a \ Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, February 22, 1984, page 3 Kin Karnival Kapers a success It's all over. Terrace Bay residents once again enjoyed the An- nual Kin Karnival. Kinsmen, Mike Rust, Mac Rogerson, and Don Young shared the po- dium with Jack Stokes M.P.P. as he officially opened the Karnival on Friday February 10. Mr. Larochelle. 6 to 8: Ist Douglas Costa, 2nd Jamie Boutette, 3rd Paul Rogerson; 9 to 12: 1st Chris Cashmore, 2nd Steven Kostiuk, 3rd Dallas Davis. In the "potato" race which requires _ start- ing, stopping and throw- ing balls in boxes, there great deal of the enter- tainment on Saturday morning. Paul Beli- veau completed the course with the lowest score for the men and Roxanne Mulligan and Darlene Slawson tied for the women's low score. The "honest golfer' award went to Mac On hand for the Opening Ceremonies was M.P.P. Jack Stokes as well as Kin Karnival Committee executive's. Stokes' impromptu speech covered a large range of topics includ- ing a special plug for Ontario's Bicentennial. Immediately following the Kick-Off ceremon- ies, the Terrace Bay Figure Skating Club pro- vided the entertain- ment. Their performan- ce was impressive and comments made. since indicate future support for this talented group. Children's skating races were the next highlight of the even- ing. In the speed skating events, the winners were as follows: 5 and under: Ist Megan Jowitt, 2nd Danny Hnatuk, 3rd _ Syvlie New appointments were three races with these- results: Race one: Ist Stephen Larochelle, 2nd Trevor Mulligan, 3rd Ian Ross. Race 2: Ist Tim Cash- more, 2nd Aaron Comeau, 3rd Jason Le- Clair. Race 3: Boutette, Jowitt, Hopper. The final races were "'Forward/Backward" races: Boys: Ist Chris Cash- more, 2nd Mitch Bol- duc, 3rd Kevin LeClair; Girls: 1st Kim McCole- 1st Emily 2nd Megan 3rd_ Beverly man, 2nd Jeannette Fournier, 3rd Alicia Bigelow. Snow Golf provided a through Schreiber council At the January 16th Schreiber Council meeting, the following appointments were made by resolution: Finance: H. Fischer, L. Dunwoody and B. Phillips. Property: M. Cos- grove, L. Dunwoody and E. Borutski. Roads: B. Phillips, E. Borutski and M. Cos- 'ove. Water and Sewer: E. Borutski, B. Phillips and L. Dunwoody. Building Committee: B. Phillips (Chief Build- ing Official), D. Davis and P. Doig (Building Inspector). Welfare: H. Fischer. Fire: E. Borutski. Recreation: L. Dun- woody, M. Cosgrove and H. Fischer. Police: J2Hs Fischer, M. Cosgrove and B. Phillips. Cemetery: E. Borut- ski, N. Nesbitt and C. Gordon. Labour Relations: L. Dunwoody and M. Cos- grove. McCausland Hospi- Thunder Bay Dist- rict Health Unit: J. Mc- Parland. The following people will be authorized to sign cheques of the Cor- poration for the year of 1984: H. Fischer (AlI- ternate - E. Borutski) and A.J. Gauthier (Al- ternate - R. Godin). The following persons were appointed to the Schreiber Library Board: Miss G. Hadley, Mrs. N. McGuire, Mrs. P. McKeever and Mrs. W. Klassen. The Schreiber Parks and Recreation Com- mittee members are as follows: Dennis John, Marie Commisso, Kevin Cocks, E. Hiller, Keith Scott, Lloyd McLellan and Irene Borutski. R. Harris was ap- pointed Road Superin- tendent and Public Works Foreman for the year 1984. Solicitors for the Township of Schreiber were appointed as they are' to be MckKitrick, Erickson, Jones, and Shanks. Rogerson who had the highest score. The group with the best "'sports" consisted of Pat and Lisa Corri- gan, Paul Beliveau and Tracey. Unfortun- ately Tracey must re- main anonymous as the officials were so dazzled by -her yellow ski suit that they forgot to ask her last name. Immed- iately following the snow golf, participants and friends enjoyed a very successful "Caddy Shack'. In the after- noon, local chainsaw operators competed in the Woodcutter's Com- petition sponsored by the Moose, with the following results: 60 to 70 cc class: Ist Gaetan Vachon, 2nd Gaetan Morriseete, 3rd Nelson Maltais. Over 70 cc class: Ist Lionel Jean, 2nd Gilles Poulin, 3rd Ivan Boyce. Sunday morning at the Moose Hall was a scrumptious treat for all who attended. Pan- cakes, eggs, bacon and sausages were served in generous portions by the Ladies (and _ gentle- men) of the Moose. . Unseasonably warm and foggy weather all but cancelled the Cross Country Ski Poker Rally. Two families registered but only the spirited Clark Stuttard Family went for the cards and were therefore declared winners of the event. Many sporting events were held in conjunct- ion with the carnival during the weekend. In the Pee Wee North Shore "House League' Tournament, there were six games played. Results: Terrace Bay 3 - Schreiber 2; Marathon 4 - Terrace Bay 2; Schrei- ber 11 - Manitouwad- ge 3; Marathon 6 - Manitouwadge 1; Ter- race Bay 11 - Manitou- wadge 2; Schreiber 4 - Marathon 3. Terrace Bay, Schreiber and Marathon all acquired 4 points toward their standings in the league. In Broomball exhibi- tion play, the Chargers beat the "A" Team by a score of 2 to 0. There was no score in the Wo- men's game as the Ter- race Bay Combined Residents of Terrace Bay were treated to a somewhat unusual sight in the Poplar Crescent area. This large green sculpture took a lot of hard work and effort and tied right in the Kin Karnival 84. team held off a strong attack by the Heron Bay Hobos. The Marathon men's team suffered a 3-1 defeat at the hands of Jean Saw Sales. Poor driving condi- tions were given as the reason for the can- cellation of the Junior "B"' game. The Mites exhibi- tion game went as scheduled and was en- joyed by players and spectators alike. There was no evi- dence of displays by the Terrace Bay Trappers Association or Thunder- bird Crafts as advertis- ed. After slogging through wet snow to set up the Golf Tourna- ment and Ski Poker A/S vv those - who planned, held in are as Ce § Ss Hospital. "ee ! THANK YOU {_ McAuley: Dale and Arlene wish to express their sincere | gratitude and appreciation to | donated attended the reception party a9) our 2) Birchwood Terrace. The gifts beautiful extravagant as the Pera who work at the McCausland ~% a a LS ic MVS r mie ~y thoughtfully and honour at and Ss as Schreiber Public Library Board is seeking volunteer persons to serve on the library board. If you are interested call: Nora McGuire - 824-2200 or the library - 824-2477 e Vision Plan e Preferred Hospital Accommodation e Direct claims payment e Easy administration with 3 One monthly billing ( For groups of 6 or more = BLUE CHIP PLUS offers e Comprehensive Dental Plan e Comprehensive Drug Plan e Major Medical Benefits Write for a brochure or call direct Al King 34 Cumberland Street North Suite 707 Thunder Bay, Ontario P7A 4L3 @ (807) 345-5451 ONTARIO BLUE CROSS ginn. 3%) eG Rally and having events cancelled due to wea- ther conditions the un- daunted Kinsmen were forced to hold their clos- ing ceremonies in a dark arena. With no power, they yelled to make themselves heard. For- tunately there was light for the draws. Doreen Simpson won the Auger, and Karen Thrower won $275 in the 50/50 draw. Thus concludes another, and probably the most successful Karnival yet. After the incredible support they received this year, it is hoped that the Kinsmen can be persuaded to hold an- other Karnival next year. Church Directory 824-2010 of Canada) Prayer.Time - 6:30 p.m. (4-6) 6-7:30 p.m. Tues. of month Latter Day Saints 12:30 p.m. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Evening Service: 7 p.m. Rev. J.J. Johnson - 824-2402 Sunday School: 11 a.m. Schreiber - 824-2275 Wed. - Fri. - Sat.: 9 a.m. Parish Hall 7:30 p.m. a.m. Mass Terrace) Holy Angels Roman Catholic Church -- ~ Schreiber: Mass - Sat. 7:15-p.m., Sun. 10. a.m. Weekday Masses: Mon.-Wed.-Fri. 7 p.m. Tues. - Thurs. - Sat. 9 a.m. Rossport: Mass - Sun. 12 Noon (2nd to 5th Sun.) Pays Plat: Mass - Sun. 12 Noon (1st Sun. of month) Rev. P.J. Groulx - 103 Superior St., Schreiber - Terrace Bay Gospel Assembly (affiliated with the Pentecostal Assembly Sunday: Sunday School 9:50 a.m., Morning Worship - 11 a.m. Evening Fellowship - 7 p.m. Monthly Communion: 2nd Sun. of every month Weekdays: Tues. - Seniors Bible Study at Birchwood Terrace - 6:30 p.m. Crusaders for boys & girls (7-12) and Wee College Bible Study - Wed. 7:30 p.m. Fri. & Sat. nights - Youth activities (12 yrs. & up) Women's Ministries: alternate Tues. at 10 a.m. Pastor B. Fellinger - 12 Terrace Court - 825-9368 Terrace Bay Community Church Sunday Morning Service - 9:45 a.m. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Communion Service at Birchwood Terrace - Rev. Brian Bigelow - 825-3346 - 825-3396 (home) Church of Jesus Christ of Sunday Sacrament Services: 10-10:45 a.m. Sunday School (all ages): 10:45 - 11:30 a.m. Meetings for men & women: 11:30 a.m. - Peter Monks - 60 East Grove Cres. - 825-9361 Grace Baptist Church Morning Worship: 11 a.m. Birchwood Terrace: 2 p.m. Bible Study and Prayer Service: Wed. 7:30 p.m. Young People's Group: Fri. 7:00 p.m. 110 Bayview St. Schreiber - St. Andrew's United Church -- Sunday Morning Service: 11:15 a.m. Sunday School: 11:15 a.m. Official Board Meetina: 3rd Thurs. of every month Rev. Brian Bigelow - 824-2880 - 825-3396 (home)) St. John's Anglican Church 9:30 a.m. Parish Eucharist - Morning Prayers & Monday Birchwood Terrace: Holy Eucharist 2 p.m. Prayer Eucharist: Wed. 10 a.m. St. Martin of Tours Roman Catholic Church Mass: Sat. - 7 p.m. Sun. - Birchwood Terrace: Sun. | p.m. Weekday Mass: Mon. - Tues. - Thurs: 6:30 p.m. Confessions: Sat. 1-2 p.m. and upon request Charismatic Prayer Meeting: Tues. 7:30 p.m. C.W.L. monthly meeting: 2nd Mon. of each month Coffee Reception: Ist Sun. of month after, 10:30 Father K.W. Pottie - Terrace Bay - 825-3231 Holy Gospel Lutheran Fellowship Sunday Morning Service 11 Vicar Duane Peters - 825-9565 - Terrace Bay last 8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. (Birchwood a.m. ( sonusn( AU Cll wceurere SSS SELES SSO POST OSES OE Ee 8 ee