Vol. 18, No. 42 Wednesday, November 2, 1983. Terrace Bay Schreiber Kimberly Clark honours Long Service Employees | The Kimberly-Clark Quarter Century Club, Terrace Bay, held their annual dinner and dance on Friday, October 14th. During the evening dinner hour, nine mill and two woodlands em- ployees were inducted into the Club for attain- ing 25 years of service during 1983. Walter Groman, President and General Manager, presented en- graved gold watches and 25 year pins to the new members, while Mrs. Denise Groman present- ed sterling silver lock- ets to the wives of the new members, commemorating their husbands' membership in the Quarter Century Club. | Receiving the recognition were: Paul and Joan Bennett, Paul and = Marzia Buso, George and Aldea Churney, Emil and Margitta Hamann, Joe and Dorothy Kenney, Robin and Patricia 'Moore, Tom and Elea- nor Pollard and Bill and Bernice Pytyek. Un- able to attend were Ivan and Gabrielle Martin. From our woodlands section were: Pasi Pai- varinto with his guest Alma Moquin and Vance and Muriel Hiltz. Scott Chalmers, Vice President Manufactur- ing and Technical Ser- vices, presented the 30 and 35 year long service pin. Receiving pins in recognition of 30 years of service were: Georg Buhrmann, Douglas Caldwell, Melvin Glad, Henry Hermes, Rene Hirt, Ken Johnson, Gar- net Pinkerton, George Riley, Theodore Stachiw, John Teniuk, Don Thompson and Bill Wallin. For 35 years of ser- vice were: Al Allen, Joe Desaulniers, Earl Glad, Ken MacLeod, Bob Mid- daugh, Leo Phillips, Inducted into the, Quarter Century Club were (left to right), Paul Bennett, Tom Pollard, Paul Buso, Robin Moore, George Churney, Bill Pytyck, Emil Hamann and Joe Kenney. Receiving recognition for 30 years of service were, (left to right), Henry Hermes, John Teniuk, Don Thompson, Ernie Kettle, George Riley, Ted: Stachiw, Garnet Pinkerton, Rene Hirt, Tim Glad, Doug Caldwell, Bill Wallin and/George Buhrmann. George Ramsay, Bill Sadowick, John Schritt, Wally Shy- nkaryk, Mike Smilsky, Don Stewart, Frank Struzowski, Len. Swir- hun, Bob Williams, Don Yule and from our wood- lands section, Pat Auger. Not present were: Sam Boyd, Bill Broome, Hugh Brophy, Francis Helmink, Har- vey McCanna, Art Mer- cure, Bill Pidluzny, Russ Stevens and Phil Stuart. Expressing his con- gratulations to the new club members and others for their long ser- vice, Walter Groman reminded the members that they had given one- third or more of their lives to the company, a milestone of service achievement. Their dedication to remain with one company indi- cates a joint partnership contributing to the growth and success of the company and the community. Concluding his re- marks, Walter Groman gave special thanks to the wives and the gifts they received were in recognition of their sup- port and contribution. Hostess for the even- ing was Mrs. Addie Beaulieu with Mr. Verl Thompson as Master of Ceremonies. Mr. Thompson noted that there are presently 209 members in the Ter- race Bay Quarter Cen- tury Club, not including retired members. 55 members have received 25-year-pins; 114 have received 30-year ser- vice pins; 39 have 35- year service pins; and one member has re- ceived a 40-year ser- vice pin. . After dinner, Club members enjoyed an evening of dancing and "English-Pub style en- tertainment" featuring Ken Stanley and_ Anita Scott, 'the~ Pearly Queen." ee ee tte tte Recreation Study - a boost to the Northwest While speaking at a luncheon held during the recent Recreation Northwest Conference in Thunder Bay, the Minister for Tourism and Recreation, the Honourable Rueben Baetz, was able to give his audience the results of the Economic Impact Study, concerning Rec- reation and the Chang- ing Society. He was noted as say- ing that the participants are the key.group in rec- reation and that recrea- tion is a large social benefit to everyone. Recreation is no longer looked upon as being a 'soft-service.' It now in- . ~ cludes all active leisure © services including fit- ness and sports and is a vital requirement 'for everyone in all parts of Canada. Findings of the recent Economic Impact Study showed that 7.3 billion dollars are spent on recreation alone in On- tario by the people. Fig- ure skaters spend over $3 million just for skate sharpening. Amateur hockey puts over $400 million into the economy through various pro- grammes plus over $60 million is spent yearly on ice time alone. $64 million was spent by the people of Ontario for hockey game admis- sions. He went on to say that recreation stimulates over $200 million on volunteer work. Volun- teers are contributing over 20 million hours of their time for one form or another of recreation and, calculated by government wages (i.e.) 20 million man hours x $10.00 per hour equals [Re Rn ma: ma: Inducted into the Club from the Woodlands division were, (left to right), Vance Hiltz and Pasi Paivarinta. Receiving recognition for 35 years of service were, (left to right kneeling), Bob Middaugh, John Schritt, Leo Phillips, Bill Sadowick, George Ramsay and Don Yule. Standing, (left to right), Len Swirhun, = Pat Auger, Frank Struzowski, Mike Smilsky, Wally Shynkaryk, Bob Williams, Joe Desaulniers, Ken MacLeod and Earl Glad._ $200 million. He stated that when the Ministry of Tourism and Recreation spends $1.00 on recreation, this is generated by 9 times the economic activity. That means that for every dollar put in, the economy retrieves $9.00. 'On the social side, recreation promotes healthy people; the need for medical care is then reduced. This study has helped us a lot, as well as recreation. It will help to back your funds and requests for more ser- vices in Ontario. These funds create more bene- fits as the dollar cir- culates through the eco- nomy," stated the Hon- ourable Rueben Baetz. Included in this report was also a study on tour- ism. He stated that 35 per cent of the tourist trips made are for the purpose of recreation. He placed great em- Minister of Tourism and Recreation, phasis on gearing your community to the pro- motion of tourism in order that it will attract more people to your area and will in turn, boost the economy of the north. "This conference is historic ... it's the larg- est of its kind to be held in Northwestern On- tario and has included everyone from_ local municipal councils to various facilitators and volunteers from every walk of life.. Now that I ' have spent some hours with you, the partici- pants, I can expand on the theme 'Sharing To- gether We Grow'. Delegates from the Conference were able to talk with Mr. Baetz: fol- lowing the luncheon and were able to discuss a variety of subjects with emphasis placed on the northwestern part _of Ontario. Reuben C. Baetz, spoke to over 300 delegates at the recent Recreation Northwest Conference held in Thunder Bay. Terrace Bay Council Notes The regular meeting of the Terrace Bay Council was held on Monday, October 24th at 7:00 p.m. in the Coun- cil Chambers. All coun- cillors were in attend- ance. Due to the late arrival of Reeve Speer, Councillor George Ram- sey was appointed as acting Head of Council. The meeting was call- ed to order by George Ramsey. The minutes of the October 11th meet- ing were adopted as read. Business Arising From Minutes From Councillor Chapman: she express- -ed concern over the water line. connection (from Cullmar Const.) as to the cost to the town- ship. It was establish- ed that the water line was located and is us- able and that the cost to the township included the labour costs for the town employees to lo- cate this line. Councillor Chapman ~also recommended to Council that a date be. set and negotiations be- gin in regards to discus- sing the increase of rent- al rates with the restau- _rant owner at the Rec- reation Centre. She also expressed concern over the Christ- mas Party, stating that - the affair was. getting out of hand in 'regards to expense and size. She felt that this topic should be given more discus- sion in the future. Correspondence The Ministry of Muni- cipal Affairs and Hous- ing requested a revised form of resolution for an Assisted Housing Sur- vey for senior citizens. They also suggested that the municipality undertake an update of its Housing Policy State- ment. A motion was made to request a sur- vey on the demand and need for Senior Citi- zen Housing, ONLY. From the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, stating their latest position regarding the proposed Minister's amendments to the Offi- cial Plan, Council's con- currence was requested. This has been tabled and will be discussed with a joint meeting with the Planning Committee and Council. The date was set for November 2nd at 7:00 p.m. The Emergency Mea- sures Organization for continued on page 7