Page 2, Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, September 28, 1983 . Terrace Bay Recreation News ers. The establishment of a Bowling Association for - Ladies Afternoon Bowling Association Formed Great news for bowl- STAG & DOE in honour of Joe Mykietyn and Marina Moore Saturday, October Ist 9:00 to 1:00 a.m. Schreiber Town Hall, Basement Sorry no minors BIRTH ali ANNOUNCEMENT '. 72" // af * Mark and Ann Hara take pride to announce the safe arrival of their daughter, Katie Temyana, who was born at 1:15 p.m. on Saturday 14, 1983. Happy grandparents are Len and Norma Crockford of Terrace Bay and Audrey Hara of Timmins. League; Ladies Evening League; Mixed League; Men's., League . took plaee*on Tuesday Sep- tember 20th at the Ter- race Bay Bowling Alley. The new executive con- sists of President - Chris Peterson, Vice Presi- dent - Joan Greenwood, Secretary - Dale Cooper, Treasurer - Rose Mary Thorpe. League repre- senatives are to be de- termined at a later date. Bowling will start in the very near future there- fore if you are interested contact one of the execu- tive. Open Bowling The allies are open for Public Bowling on Wed- nesday from 7-10 p.m. and Sundays from 2-5 p.m. Rates for members and non-members are the same as last year. Squash and Racquet- ball Tournaments The tournaments scheduled for Septem- ber 24th have been re- scheduled to November 26th. We are still ac- cepting registrations. Squash and Racquetball Courts The courts once again are very active and we remind members that they have the privilege of booking courts one day in advance. Court bookings can be made by calling the Recrea- tion Office at 3542. Terrace Bay Bi-Centen- nial Meeting Dorothy Gregory, Bi- Centennial Co-ordinator for Northwestern On- tario will conduct a meeting on October 3 at 7:00 p.m. in the Board Room of the Terrace Bay Recreation Centre. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the Ontario Bi-Centennial, as well as the Terrace Bay Bi-Cen- tennial, and our Town's 25th Anniversary acti- vities. All interested citi- zens are encouraged to attend. If you wish to volunteer your time to assist in our program, we will see you on October 3 at the meeting. Fall Programs We are still taking names for the following programs which are starting soon: Ceramics for Beginners, Advan- ced Ceramics, Chinese Cooking, Photography, Hydroponics, Learn to Skate, Piano Lessons for Adults and Children, Relaxation Workshop, Stained Glass, and Woodworking. Level I Theory Gym- nastics Coaching Clinic This is for all coaches of gymnastics, and will be held on a Friday and Saturday. Times and dates will be an- nounced when available. No Body Contact Hockey This is open to any male 18 years of age and over. To sign up, con- tact John McGrath at 9475, or the Recreation Office at 3542. Adult Badminton This is for anyone 16 years of age or over. Come out to the High School Monday and Thursday from 8 to 10:45 p.m. to join. Mixed Volleyball This is for ages 18 and up. For a fun evening of activity call the Rec- reation Office or Jamie McKewen. Tatting Learn the basic tech- niques of Tatting, and how to do edging on pillow cases, doilies, handkerchiefs, etc. This 6 week course will start on Wednesday, Octo- ber 12, and go until November 16. The time is from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. | Re PUBLIC NOTICE 4 Township of Schreiber Schreiber will take into consideration the approved, will pass at its meeting to be held Office, 608 Winnipeg Street. particularly described as follows: "All and singular, that certain parcel or Thunder Bay as number 826, being more parti will be prejudicially affected by the said business hours by any interested party at the to the passing thereof. Dated at the Township of Schreiber, this 7th day of September, A.D., 1983. A. J. Gauthier Clerk-Treasurer Township of Schreiber Area of Manitoba % St. to be Stopped Up anu "2, Closed N" 4, %o oe Take notice that the Municipal Council of the Township of October, 1983, or at an adjourned meeting thereof, at the hour of 7:00 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Council Chambers, Municipal A By-Law to stop and close the public street of highway more premises situated, lying and being in the Township of Schreiber, in the District of Thunder Bay, and the Province of Ontario, and being composed of that part of Manitoba Street, ona plan filed in the office of the Land Registrar for the Registry Division of Part 1 on reference plan 55-R-5445, on deposit in the office of the Land Registrar for the Land Registry Division of Thunder Bay." And take further notice that the said Council will at the time and place above mentioned hear any person who claims that his land applied to be heard. The said By-Law may be inspected during Treasurer, Township Municipal Office, Schreiber, Ontario, prior BS > 4 A,/ ~ 7s /) Existing ~~ < passing of and, if on the 11th day of tract of land and culary described as By-Law, and who office of the Clerk- Road THANK YOU | would like to thank everyone who attended my shower and for all the lovely gifts. A special thanks to those who helped out in any way. JULIE RANDA in the Multi-purpose Room of the Terrace Bay Recreation Centre. The fee is $18.00 and the deadline to register and pay for the course is Friday, October 7. In- structor will be Loretta Fitzgerald. Please note the following deadline dates for Upcoming Pro- gtams: Wednesday, Septem- ber 28 - Deadline for all Ceramic Courses. Friday, September 30 - Deadline for Quilting by Machine. Friday, September 30 - Deadline for Ballet and Jazz. Bowling Tournament The Bowling Tourna- ment previously sched- uled for September 24 and 25 is now going to be re-scheduled. As well management of the Tournament is going to be handled by the Ter- race Bay Bowling As- sociation. Shape, Exercise and Aerobics (Afternoons) Looking for a break in the afternoon? Join our Shape, Exercise and Aerobic class on Tues- days and Thursdays, with instructor Lisa Corrigan. We hope to start the class on Tues- day, October 4, and go for 10 weeks. Classes are from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. in the Conference Room of the Recreation Centre. Please call the Recreation Office today at 3542, if interested. Ballet and Jazz return to Terrace Bay!!! Beginner's Ballet for ages 4 to 8, instructor Kathy Dolph There are still open- ings in this popular Bal- let class. Classes start Wednesday, October 5 for two 10-week ses- sions. Classes will be held at the Public School from 6:30 to 7:15 p.m., and from 7:15 to 8:00 p.m. Check at the Rec- reation Office for exact time for your child. Ballet Phase II for ages 4 to 8, instructor Kathy Dolph Phase III for Ballet starts Wednesday, Octo- ber 5, and continues for two 10-week sessions. The time is 8:00 and 8:45 p.m. and the class takes place at the Public School. Older students who have previously ta- ken Phase II can also join as there is not suffi- cient registration for a class for the age 9 to 15 group. Beginner's Jazz for ages 4 to 8 and 9 to 15, instructor Pam Turner There are still a few openings in Beginner's Jazz for the two age groups. All classes start Tuesday, October 4, and continue for two 10- week sessions. Ages 4 to 8 go from 6:30 to 7:15 p.m. and ages 9 to 15 go from 7:15 to 8:00 p.m. all at the Public School Gymnasium. Jazz Phase Ill for ages 9 to 15, instructor Pam Turner We are still taking registrations for Jazz Phase III for the older group. Classes start Tuesday, October 4, and continue for two 10- week sessions. The time is from 8:00 to 8:45 p.m. Remember, the deadline for all Jazz and Ballet Classes is Friday, Sep- tember 30! DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY RATES RESERVE TODAY 825-3268 AVIS TERRACE BAY! Avis Rent-A-Car Island View Shell Hwy. 17 East Terrace Bay