DECEMBER 13, 1978 ; > TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 15 RECEIVES DIPLOMA | MOOSE BINGO Joseph Dobush received his Diploma 0f Th hit The Loyal Order of Moose wi sponsor Bachelor 08 Technology Ar ecturnat a bingo on Thursday, December 13 at Science grom Ryerson 4n Toronto. 7:30 P.M. at the Moose Hall, Terrace Bay. Ontario weather forecast: drifting snow, icy patches and reduced vishiliiy during the olay Season. That's Why Ve you _ beh in 500d condition to drive - "under these conditions. Winter driving. For drivers this is Poor visibility combined with you and your family will be here to the most dangerous season. Con- heavy traffic throughout the enjoy another great Ontario ditions change without warning. Holiday Season means youmust ~~ Holiday Season. The dry road you're on now can be in good condition to drive quickly become treacherous at the under these conditions. So must dajies Snow, o sporiation next bend in the road. .. your car. So keep it in good repair. ry of iransporis ice patches, frost, sudden snow And keep yourself alert at all R. Roy McMurtry, squalls, even wet leaves create times. If you drink, don't drive. Attorney General unexpected hazards. But during And always watch out for the the Holiday Season these hazards other drivers. Assume there's . : : tend to increase. trouble ahead even when condi- Provi nce of Ontario : tions look safe. Help make sure ~~ William Davis, Premier