DECEMBER 6, 1978 : TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 15 SCHREIBER PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE SKI TOUR The recreation office has received registration forms for the Annual Thunder Bay Ski Tour, at Sibley Provincial Park on March 3, 1979. If you are interested you may pick up the in- formation Monday through Friday at the office. CHIMO CLUB On Monday, December 4 a meeting with the Chimo Club execu- tive and recreation co-ordinator was held to further discuss the club's proposal to the Elderly Persons Centre Act. Requi rements for the submission are a survey of the number of seniors, presently and a projection for the next five years, the present budget plus five year projection, fire-safety in- spection of the building, program proposal for the club, pass- ing of a by-law by Township Council. A meeting with the Min- istry of Community and Social Services consultant will take place within the next two weeks. This will enable us to pro- gress further. : YOUTH BOWLING : > The recreation office has established a youth bowling 1eag« ue for the youth from grade four to eight on Saturday after- noon's in Terrace Bay; pending sufficient interest this will start in the new year. Parents we need your support for travel, scoring etc., if there is no parental involvement it will not result. A sched- ule and teams will be drawn up and given to each player. Teams will be required to select their own team name for future standings. DISCO DANCE AND CAKE DECORATING The weekend of November 24, 25 saw these programs run very successfuly. There will be another disco program in the new year and possibly a cake decorating course in the spring. ARENA UPDATE As reported last week our approval for funding on the new recreation complex has been approved by the Minister of Cult- ure and Recreation. The total grant coming from Wintario will be one million dollars with another one hundred, fifty thous- and from the Community Recreation Centre Act. Final details have been completed with Kimberly-Clark of Canada in Terrace Bay. The recreation complex located at the mill site is officially Township of Schreiber property. We have been told by company officials that they will have no further use for the facility for the men back on the job. The company has also given us until August 1, 1979 to remove the building from their site. Further to the collection of pledges from the citizens, we would appreciate you bringing in your pledge in whole or part to the town office. Unless, you have been told otherwise by a canvasser or are unable to do so, this would certainly as- sist the canvassers in their plight to do further canvassing. Once again, we have that money to collect but also an addition -al amount to raise. : Please do not rely on the Arena Building Fund Committee to run the total public/private sector monies; if you or a group wishes to sponsor an event for raising funds for the complex CONTINUED PAGE 16.suvesss NOTICE The Inaugural Meeting of the Council of the Township of Schreiber will be held on, Tuesday, December 12, 1978, at 11:00 a.m. in Council Chambers. NOTICE THUNDER BAY- KENORA- RAINY RIVER REGIONAL ASSESSMENT OFFICE The Notices of Assessment for 1978 have been mailed to owners and tenants effective December 4, 1978. The last date for an appeal against the 1978 Assessment is January 9, 1979. The Assessment Rolls will be available and on display in each Munici- pal or School Board Office commencing December 18, 1978. D. Laughlin, M.I.M.A., Assessment Commisioner, Thunder bay, Kenora, Rainy River Askus about you Come and tell us what you're looking for in a job. Tell us what you are today and what you want to be tomorrow. Ask us if we can offer opportunities and challenges to match your needs. No obligations on either side. We'll be glad to talk. And we may have just what you're looking for. But you'll never know until SERGENT BODE WILL BE IN TERRACE BAY ON DECEMBER 11, 1978 AT THE RED DOG INN FROM 2 P.M. - 6 P.M. SERGEANT JACK BODE