OCTOBER 4, 1978 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 15 door keeps total burning extra air out Bos + Secondary : combustion d chamber al- 2 5 i) « Triple-sealed lows almost WESTERN T | BR E * Flue extends Schreiber ck pny 824-2351 Jost 142 HARDISTY STREET (807)623-5544 THUNDER BAY "S", ONTARIO MOOSE BINGO THE LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE WILL SPONSOR A BINGO ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5TH AT 7:30 P.M. AT THE MOOSE HALL, TERRACE BAY. 47th Annual Fireman's Ball 4 oo DATE: OCTOBER 27, 1978 TIME: 10:00 P.M. = 2:00 A.M. PLACE: SCHREIBER HIGH SCHOOL Door Prize: $50.00 (attendance not required) f $100.00 Costume Prizes - ($50.,$30.,$20.) TICKETS - $5.00 PER PERSON MUSIC BY: NORTHERN LITES Advance ticket sales: Fire Hall October 13th, 1978 between 7:00 and 9:00 p.m. ; i. or contact any member of Schreiber kF ire Department NO MINORS t's talk car loans. And how we can get you rolling, If you're thinking of trad- ing your car, we should talk. We've been involved in financing cars for a long time. And we've worked with probably every dealer in town. So we can prt together a loan that'll suit you with- out getting you in over your head. The First Canadian Bank \. alk, mmm Bank of Montreal Milton Tames, Manager 1 We can even talk about one type of loan that gives you the full price of your car. Even if you're not a customer. We do that because we know helping you do something is the best way to make you one. Come on in. And let's talk cars. Lets Schreiber Branch