PAGE 14 TERRACE BAY NEWS SEPTEMBER 20, 1978 McCUAIG - Barclay (Muggs) age 87 of Schreiber, passed away in a Thunder Bay Hospital on Saturday, September 16, 1978. A resident of Schreiber since 1908 he worked as a conductor Township of Schreiber for the CPR, retiring in 1956. Also a life member of the : Schreiber Curling Club. Mrs McCuaig is survived by his children Sandy (Mrs. RE: WATER SHUT OFF Bourguignon), Doris (Mrs. J. Gauthier), Betty (Mrs. A. Huard), Myrna, Tom, Jim and Audrey (Mrs. M. Morgan). SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 24TH He was predeceased by his wife Minnie Georgina in 1968. Resting at the King Funeral Home, Schreiber, funeral services 9:00 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M. were held Tuesday, September 19th at 9 p.m. from St. Andrew's United Church. Interment Schreiber Cemetery. In lieu of flowers donations to the chairty of your choice T ship of Schreiber would be appreciated. WHITTON = Mrs. Donna Whitton of Schreiber passed away sudden- ZONING B Y-LAW Ty as the result of an accident on Sunday, September 17, 1978. She was presently employed as a By-law Officer for the Township of Schreiber. 0 PEN HOU SE Mrs. Whitton is survived by her husband Jack and children John, Lloyd, Wesley, Kathy and John and Fred Ice. Also sur- vived by her father Jack Watts of Thunder Bay; her brother TUE SDAY ' SE PT. 206 th John of St. John's, N.B.; aunts Dorothy Harling and Gladys Grainger; also her father and mother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Tom Whitton. 1 - bh P.M. She was predeceased by her mother Beatrice. Resting at the King Funeral Home. Services on Wednesday The * : ; September 20th, at 1 p.m. from St. John's Anglican Church. Has Tous [Se rsive: Interment Soper foster): to the MS. Societ 1d Tuesday, September 26th from 1:00.10 5:00 El Gi QUSry-Wanati ons. 30 JNS.N Ye N07ISW You p.m. in the BASEMENT of the TOWN HALL for § apprecietsd. : the purpose of explaining the proposed new zoning by-law to the citizens of Schreiber. The Royal Canadian Legion A representative of M.M. Dillon Ltd. TERRACE BAY, (Man. & N/W Ont. No. 223) BRANCH Planners, who have been engaged by the TERRACE BAY, ONTARIO Township to assist in the preparation of the new by-law, will be on hand to explain the by-laws text and answer any questions MO NT E CARLO DAY that the people of Schreiber may have regarding the by-law. All citizens of Schreiber are urged to SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30th attend and to familiarize themselves with 2:30 P.M the new by-law. This is an open house only and is not an official meeting. CRIBBAGE, DARTS & VARIOUS CARD GAMES The zoning maps and the text of the MEMBERS & GUESTS ONLY proposed by-law will be available for examination. Council would |ike to have your comments and is hopeful that the people of Schreiber will take this opportunity to examine the by-law. COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SCHREIBER