PAGE 12 TERRACE BAY NEWS UNITED CHURCH FALL FAIR The United Church Fall Fair was again a gala occasion, with articles for sale including, literally, everything except the proverbial kitchen sink! George and Myrtle Gordon were co-converers of the event assisted by fifty of their con- gregation, and Tom and Bern Whent of White River, Bill and Florence Whent and Donna Dean Gray of Thunder Bay, Helen Kriz4 an of Canmore, Alta., all form- er residents of Schreiber who worked and donated wares for the event. Financially, it was a great success and the curling rink an ideal place to hold the three day event. Starting on Thursday, Sept. 7th there was always lunch available, with a display of all articles for sale. On Friday, the giant auction - with Jack Handel as auctioneer assisted by Bill Gerow and Bern Jacomb. On Saturday, sale of home baking, clothing, gar- den products, Smorgasbord supp- er,and the always enjoyed auction followed the big Penny Auction. | An additional attraction thi year was the Canadian Cancer representation run by Patsy Kinney. This event is actually meeting of friends, an ecumen- ical event; to which all in the community contribute and gather to meet friends. Among the various draws won were the handmade quilt by Lanie John, the painting by Gwen Hadley, won by Ada Thomp- son of Thunder Bay; the crystal vase and plate, donated by Bill and Helen D'Arcy, by Lorraine Weaver of Terrace Bay; the gro- cery hamper, donated by Mrs. Costa, by Mrs. Jack Noonana; the boy animal draw won by Susan Fai rservice. Without knowing it, you could be a turn-off. Do you always take a bath, instead of a shower which uses less power? ( Do you fill a 265% kettle full to make a single cup? Turn on the washing machine for just a few things? w And do you often forget to turn off though everyone's home in bed? Any of these thoughtless little habits can make you a turn-off. Because waste of electricity, like anything that everybody really needs, can turn people oft Wouldn't you rather turn off a light bulb than turn off a friend? Think about how you use electricity. SO Us Wasting electricity turns people off. This message is brought to you by your Hydro on behalf of people who care Q 1 3 SEPTEMBER 20, 1978