JIE 7, 1978 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 3 CROWN COTTAGE LOT: CONTINUED... in that subdivision. After the second year, flon-Canadians will be able to obtain on a lease base only, lots that remain ungranted in the third year. Successful applicants for lots as they become available will be selected by either public auction, tender or draw in the 27 adninistrative districts of the Ministry of Natural Resources north of the French and Mattawa Rivers. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age. Within two years of purchase,a cottage of at least 600 square feet and valued at no less than $7,500 must be con- structed on the lot. Unqualified title will be given on completion of the improvements. ; Local residents, who wish to obtain further infomation, should contact, T.B, Scott, Lands and Parks Supervisor, Terrace Bay. 'TERRACE BAY hy YOLICE DEPARTMENT The Terrace Bay Police were kept busy during the past week and were called upon to investigate 35 occurrences. A theft of a tent valued in excess of $200.00 was reported stolen and two transients were arrested and charged with the theft. Both persons were from Winnipeg. Two break and enters are being investigated and should be cleared shortly. Police also attended a domestic family dis- pute and this matter has been resolved. Police ha e also laid the following charges under the Nar- cotic Control Act, one charge of cul tivating marihuana, two charges of possession of a narcotic and one charge of posses- sion for the purpose of trafficing in a narcotic. Police apprehended one impaired driver as it was noticed that the driver was unable to negotiate his motorcycle proper- 1y. Two charges of false pretences are under investigation when cheques were tendered on a closed account. Police were also called upon to attend at the post office when it was Tearned that a number of lights in the building were broken. This matter is presently under investigation. Members of the Police force laid four charges under the Lig =uor Licence Act and three charges under the Highway Traffic Act. The M.T.C. have been asked to operate a safety lane in Terrace Bay on June 19 to 23. The safety lane will be set up in the vicinity of the police office in Terrace Bay on these dates. To date the police force has issued 46 notices for com -pulsory appearances at the lane and motorists in the Terrace Bay, Schreiber and Rossport area may voluntarily submit their vehicles to the safety check when time permits on the above dates. The lane will operate from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 3:00 p.m.to:6:30 p.m. DAVE DESROSIERS & SON LTD. GENERAL CONTRACTORS SERVING THE NORTH SHORE READY MIX CONCRETE BACKHOE BOOM TRUCK BULLDOZER LOADERS GRADER TANDEM DUMP TRUCKS GRAVEL & BLACK EARTH BOX 368 HWY. 17 825-3638 TERRACE BAY, ONTARIO "FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION" FLOWERS N THINGS DESIGNS BY ANNETTE = BUS. 824-2743 £, Ninn HOME 824-2574 NEW "== SCHREIBER, ONTARIO (Epes POT 250 SEND FLOWERS WORLD WIDE United Flowers by Wire Canada Ltd. COMUNE CINEMA TERRACE BAY - ONTARIO - TELEPHONE 825-3771 Sunday = 8:30 p.m. Mon. to Thurs. - 8:30 p.m. Fri. & Sat. 7&9 p.m. --_-- Arnold Schwarzenegger : ~ADULT ENTERTAINMENT W TurFri-Sar IR MATA Hdie June 15-16-17 | SE pyees-- ADULT ENTERTAINMENT JOAN RIVERS Sun - Mon TEST june 18-19 The story of the world's sik first pregnant man... A AVCO El ADULT ENTERTAINMENT COR Tues - Wed ; ry? N----_-- -21 ; _June 20°22 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT