PAGE~22 TERRACE BAY NEWS . Classified Ads MINIMUM CHARGE --- $2.00 (25 words & under cash in advance) - $2.25 (if charged) - 6¢ per word after 25 HOUSE FOR SALE - Phone 825-3257. HOUSE FOR SALE - Four bedroom house, finished rec room. Phone. 825-3306. HOUSE FOR SALE - Revenue income house with three apartments on two lots. Nicely landscaped,for appointment phone 825-3258 or 825-3572. MOBILE HOME FOR SALE - I977 Glendale IU? x 667, deck and built in dishwasher, Figliomeni's Trailer Park. Phone 824-2325. $0R SALE - I5' trailer camper, good for two people. $1500.00 Kragero's Trailer Park - lth trailer on right. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE - 23' trailer, sleeps six, $2800.00, shower, running hot and cold water. I35 Drummond Street, Schreiber. FOR SALE - I0Y Del Rey Camper. Phone 825-3208 after 5 p.m. FOR SALE - I94! Windsor Travel Trailer, 3 piece bath, hot waten oven, furnace, fully insulated, I year warranty. For further details call: Trailer Warehouse, 345 N. Cumberland Street, THUNDER BAY 3u44-I82I or 345-064I. Introductory sale price $5800. 00 FOR SALE - Boneir Fold-down campers, last of the car load purchase, Model 850E, four left, including icebox, two burner stove, water system and insulated roof and walls, deluxe lift system, I7'2" long - For Further information call: Trailer Warehouse, 345 N. Cumberland Street, THUNDER BAY uh_1821 or 3H5-06L41, FOR.SALE - 27% Coachman fifth wheel Deluxe, includes glass oven door, three piece bath, double insulation and custom cabinet interior. Handled easily by Aton truck. Brand new. Introductory price of $11,300, One year warranty. For further details call: Trailer Warehouse, 345 N. Cumberland Street, THUNDER BAY 34l-I82T or 3U45-06LI. FOR SALE - 3I' Coachman fifth wheel Deluxe trailer, includes large living room, three piece bath, IO cu. ft. fridge, o~ custom interior, Brand new. Introductory price of $12,300. One year werranty. For further details call: Trailer Ware- house, 345 N. Cumberland Street, THUNDER BAY 344-1821 or 345-0641. NEW HOUSE FOR RENT - three bedroom, partly furnished. Phone 24-2 after 5 p.m. FOR RENT - Furnished sleeping room with double bed, small fridge. No cooking. $I00. single. Phone 824-2471, FOR SALE - I973 Ford Broneo 4xl, certified. Will consider trade. Phone 825-3613. FOR SALE - 30" wide range, six months old. Phone 825-9064. FOR SALE - I seat chesterfield, suitable for camp or rec room, Phone 325-3895. FOR SALE - 1977 Yamahs 500 Enduro, low mileage, excellent NAY 31, 1978 BUSINESS DIRECTORY |] a : y I. m. dodick|| ror au vox 2a PHOTO COPYING 19. AND : OPTOMETRIST COMMERCIAL | " PRINTING 1119 VICTORIA AVENUE CONTACT THE THUNDER BAY TERRACE BAY NEWS PHONE 622-7726 y BAXTER INSURANCE AGENCY LTD. WITH 22 EXPERIENCED COMPANIES TO SERVE YOU AUTOMOBILE - FIRE - CASUALTY - LIFE SIMCOE PLAZA - TERRACE BAY PHONE 825-3370 OR 825-9157 TERRACE BAY CLEANERS DRYCLEANING & LAUNDRY PHONE: Terrace Bay 825-3335 Schreiber 824-2639 DOUG MAY CONTRACTING Excavating, Cement . Sand, Fill and Topsoil PHONE 824-2643 OR 824-2070 R & L DRIVE-IN, SCHREIBER HOME OF THE SUPERIOR BURGER-BLOCK & CUBE ICE TAKE OUT FOOD =~ SOFT ICE CREAM 824-2632 condition. Call after 5 p.m. 825-3593. M. CEBRARIO & SONS LTD. LOEWEN WINDOWS - CHECK OUR PRICES COMPLETE LINE PLUMBING SUPPLIES & ACCESSORIES 3I2 MANITOBA STREET, SCHREIBER, ONT. PHONE B24-2183