MAY 25, 1978 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 11 i TRADE TRAINEES GRADUATE: Continued .... At the Legion Hall in Terrace Bay on May 11, 1978, thirteen employees of Kimberly-Clark of Canada were guests at a Company sponsored dinner in recognition of their graduation from the Trades Training Program. They are pictured on page 10 gacepl for J. Corrigan who was not in attendance. The Master of Cermonies for the evening was Frank ---- Manager, Engineering and Technical. He stated that the present graduates bring the number who have graduated from the Kimberly -Clark Trades Training Program in the last 28 years to 114. He made two special introductions: (1) Ted Stachiw, who completes 25 years of service with the Company on the same day he gra- duates from the Program; (2) Stan Zwaresh, a guest graduate, who was a member of the first graduation class of February, 1953. Kimberly-Clark Graduation Certificates were presented to the graduates by Grant Puttock, President of Kimberly-Clark of Canada. Barry Stephen, Vice President and Pulp Mill Manager, presented the Ontario Graduation Certificates of Apprenticeship Frank Anderson presented an Engineering Encyclopedia to each graduate. Don Stewart and Bill Megraw presented a Trades Book to each graduate also. Verl Thompson intmiduced the Guest Speaker, Mr. Ken Hutch- inson, Training Co=ordinator, Spruce Falls Power and Paper Co., Kapuskasing, Ontario. Ken, who was the first training Co-ordin -ator in Terrace Bay, complimented the nostalgic theme of the evening. 'Ken gave a most interesting talk, stating that as graduate tradesmen"they were embarking on an important step and this is only one of many. The next step is to become a Crafts- man, and this involves pride in their work, always learning with enthusiasm. The program concluded with Rod Nercure who, on behalf of the graduates, thanked the Guest Speaker and Sinperi flak for making the training possible. COUNCIL QUOTES: - Omitted from the minutes of Council's May 8th, 1978, meet- ing was mention of By-Law No. 310, being a by-law prohibiting vehicles on pathways, boulevards, parks and places for public recreation. This by-law was given a First and second reading at that meeting. CHINESE COOKING: : This is a reminder that the Chinese Cooking course will com- mence Monday, May 29th, at 1:00 p.m. in the large meeting room of the Recreation Centre. There are still people registered who have not paid their fees and must do so by Friday, May 26th, at noon hour. |f the fees are not paid by this date, we will as- sume that they are not interested in taking the course and those who are waiting will be accepted. RECREATION DEPT. J WEEKLY REPORT Continued page 12 .... PLEASE SEND ME FREE COLOUR BROCHURES ON YOUR MODULAR HOMES. ---- = NAME ------ ADDRESS CITY ee a | | ---- | en } «££ » IFICATIONS IS SOON TO BE BUILT AND 4 IN TERRACE BAY, t+ AS LITTLE AS $2100 DOWN WITH BALANCE THIS HOME, WITH ITS EXCITING SPEC- INSTALLED AT BEAUTIFUL TERRACE HEIGHTS OVER CMHC INSURED 25 YEAR AMORTIZED LOAN, FOR FURTHER DETAILS ON THIS HOME AND OTHERS SEND IN COUPON BELOW, 361 Memorial Ave., THUNDER BAY, ONT., Telephone 344-0766 HILL COURT HOMES shia rb ie ve