PAGE 22 TERRACE BAY NEWS MARCH 8, 1978 Classified Ads MINIMUM CHARGE - $2.00 (25 words & under "cash in advance) - 82.25 (if charged) - 6¢ per word after 25 HOUSE FOR SALE - Three bedroom, Can be seen at II3 Galena Street, Schreiber, Phone 82i-2753. HOUSE FOR SALE - Phone 82l-276l4, HOMES FOR SALE - by Melwood Construction Ltd., new convention- ally built 2 and 3 bedroom homes in Terrace Heights Subdivie sion, fully completed - immediate possession. Two bedroom = $46,250. Three bedroom - $46,835. Phone (807)623-5233 or contact Mr, Ken Eaton 825-3211, MOBILE HOME FOR SALE - Iv x 68', six month old, furnished, View at second trailer on right in Figliomeni ts Trailer Park, Schreiber, < FOR SALE - Two bedroom winterized camp on one acre lot over- looking Lake Superior - Gravel River area. large furnished living room with TV and large fireplace; large eating kitchen, fridge and stove; I00 amp service, Phone 824-2069 Schreiber. FOR SALE - I975 Buick Lesabre, 40,000 miles. Can be seen at 79 Superior Avenue. Phone 825-3345. FOR SALE - 1975 Meteor Montcalm, p/s, p/b, radio, ete. 000 miles, excellent sondition. Phone 824-2333 or 2% 824-2609. FOR SALE - I976 Firebird Esprit 350V8, Phone 825-3319. FOR SALE - 30" Kenmore stove in excellent condition - Corning- ware top. Phone 825-9128, MUST SELL - one small boat trailer; I5 horse Evinrude motor; ife jackets; oars and paddles; three children's bikes and new kitchen counter top. Phone 82h-2lioli, FOR SALE - one five piece kitchen suite, Phone 82-2825, FOR SALE - one I975 Honda trail I25S, 4 stroke, very powerful, excellent condition. Phone 825-375, ; Phone FOR SALE - 1973 Pontiac Catalina, Best offer. 825-9212 after 5 p.m. FOR SALE - Male Irish Setter - IO months old. Registered $100, .Phone 229-1217, Marathon, FOR SALE - Brand new ski-doo bob sleighs $50. Can be seen at 479 Superior Avenue, Phone 825-3345, APARTMENT FOR RENT - Two bedroom. Phone 824-2172, DEADLINE FOR PERSONALIZED EASTER EGGS - March IOth, 825-3688 or 825-3066. SCHREIBER CANCER SOCIETY -In Memoriam cards are available from Beth Macadam © 54; Rona Godin 824-2364 or Merion Henri 824-2655. VOLUNTEER HELP WANTED - Persons interested in joining the Terrace Bay Fire Department please contact by mail: The Terracey Bay Fire Dept., Box 430, Terrace Bay. Phone BUSINESS DIRECTORY TERRACE BAY CLEANERS DRYCLEANING & LAUNDRY 'PHONE: Terrace Bay 825-3335 Schreiber 824-2639 'M. CEBRARIO & SONS LTD. HARDWARE, PAINTS, BUILDING SUPPLIES COMPLETE STOCK ABS PLASTIC PIPE & FITTINGS 3I2 MANITOBA STREET, SCHREIBER, ONT. PHONE 824-2183 SEARS CATALOGUE ORDER OFFICE MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9 - 5 SATURDAYS 1 - 5 PHONE 824-2112 GENERAL Bruce Simon INSURANCE 507 SCOTIA STREET, SCHREIBER, ONT. P.O. BOX 331 PHONE 824-2562 ABANCOFNANCIAL SERVICES en winwieea street (| M, (JANET) RUSSELL , Oi 1 SCHREIBER, ONTARIO MANAGER LOANS AND MORTGAGES AVAILABLE YOUR IMPERIAL ESSO AGENT Burton B. Phillips BULK PLANTS IN SCHREIBER AND TERRACE BAY ul TO SERVE YOU IN BOTH TOWNS PHONE 824-2463