PAGE 10 TERRACE BAY NEWS MARCH 8, 1978 TERRACEBAY RECREATION DEPARTMENT PRESENTS NDWT CO! present So, WICOUSTA! an exciting drama produced by The NDWT Company' of . Toronto . 8:30 P.M. MARCH 13TH LAKE SUPERIOR HIGH SCHOOL TERRACE BAY CAMPUS AUDITORIUM Admission ag te $5.00 Advance tickets available at the Students ===--- $3.00 Terrace Bay and Schreiber Recrea Senior Citizens $2.00 -tion offices as well as at the Children (12 and under - $1.00 Overture Concert on Wednesday, OVERTURE CONCERT ====-== $3.00 March 8th. SERLES MEMBERS @ | 2ND ANNUAL LOCAL SCHREIBER-TERRACE BAY SCIENCE FAIR to be held at "Schreiber in the High School Gymnasium SATURDAY, MARCH Il, 1978 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. sponsored by The Lake Superior Board of Education PARTICIPATING CLASSES: KINDERGARTEN - GRADE 3; GRADE 4 - GRADE 6; GRADE 7 - 10; GRADE 11 - 13,