FEBRUARY 8, 1978 PAGE 13 who think they can cheat UI. e completely honest. They use Ul as was intended --as a financial bridge 'tween jobs. And no one's picking on you. nyone we find abusing Unemploy- ent Insurance will be dealt with ader the law. If you're caught, money improper- 'claimed must be paid back in full. It yuld mean you pay an administrative :nalty. Or you could face prosecution ader the Unemployment Insurance ct, or the Criminal Code of Canada. onviction means a criminal record. UI employs almost 500 full-time People who would never consider ained claims investigators and, like bey : Joyment dnsiindnce Gonpmiiiion 1y modern organization, we use new shoplifting or outright robbery have is a ms ita-handling techniques to their best been willing to hide earnings from us | the Canada Employment and Immigration Commission. ivantage. We match up Records of 10 get more UI benefits than the law For a time, you'll stil see our local offices identified as ani: : llows. Almost as if it were sociall ronnple viners lisence flues or Canela Manprroen mployment with claim records B y Centres. When they're together in one location, they'll be ) find the cheaters who don't report acceptable or even fun. s called Canada Employment Centres. irnings while they're on UL Everyone knows this goes on. . We don't like to prosecute. We'd ~~ NO one knows better than we do. Canada's Unemployment ither avoid that painful process by Suppose you lose your job. If Insurance Program ling people that if they cheat, youve been veying jnlo Haine: : iy ope fi probabl ht, ment Insurance and you qualify, you *¥ Ty esa od have a right to benefits. And we Working with people never really believ will respect that right as long as you wh wan work t was criminal? remember your obligations, too. : 0 tto : Some people's attitudes toward Your obligation is to play it Jnemployment Insurance have been straight with us. And as long as you Be. Elo Canada iard to explain. do that, we're proud to help you. Buti Gullo; Winston 3 "Bud Culioms Niniatse