PAGE 14 TERRACE BAY NEWS NOVEMBER 9, 1977 WESTERN _SAVOYARDS The delightful world of Gilbert & Sullivan comes to life on Friday, November 18, 1977 at 8:00 p.m. when the WESTERN SAVOYARDS ap-. pear in concert for the Terrace Bay/Schreiber first concert of the season. This trio offers vignettes from all of Gilbert & Sullivan's best loved works. The trio comprises of Miss Christine Anton, a well-known member of the B.C. Opera Ensemble; Mr. Edward Greenhalgh, active in Canadian theatre since 1952, and Mr. Norman Slack, who has been involved in the world of Gilbert & Sullivan for many years. Concert begins at 8:00 p.m. sharp, Friday, November 18, 1977 at the Terrace Bay Campus of the Lake Superior High School. Doors open at 7:00 p.m. ' Admission by membership only. urling omments " The draws for ladies curling en Tuesdays and Thursdays are not yet completed. Begin- ners will get a warm welcome and friendly in- struction. If you would like to give curling a try contact Donna Josus (3258) or Shirley LAKE SUPERIOR HIGH SCHOOL PARENT TEACHER INTERVIEWS will be held at both campuses ON 1977 11 17 (THURSDAY) FROM 7:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. Report cards will be distributed fo the students the week of the 14th. Parents are cordially invited to meet with the teachers to discuss their sons/daughters progress. Richards (3742). Regular games should start on Tuesday, 15 of November, so phone today - right away. Thursday, November 19th will be the Tumble- weed night for fun and practice. $1.00 and two 4-end games will be played. hope 32 people will come -out for this. Marianne McDougal: (9194). Saturday and Sunday the 19th and 20th of November will open curling season with a mixed The cost is _ We Phone bonspiel. Come out to chat with old friends, meet and make new ones. Phone Clem Lemay - today. UNITED CHURCH WOMEN: The United Church Women at their November meeting, with Mrs. Beth Macadam presiding, welcomed Dorothy Mackay as a guest; also, Chris Morris - returning after a long absence. A sweater was donated for a raffle by Mrs. Jack Kline. : \ Final plans were made for the Christmas bazaar on December 3rd. A donation was made to the girl's craft club which meets regularly in the Anglican Church. The lunch committee for the Dec. 7th meet- ing will be Lillian Christie and Gwen Hadley. SCHREIBER SOCIAL: Mrs. Clarence Lyttle of Renfrew visited Mrs. Albina Welbourne last week. Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Duncan of Burlington, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Birch - their daughter Brenda. Mr. Duncan was a former O0.P.P. Corporal in Schreiber. Joyce Gareau of Thunder Bay spent the weéek- . end with Mrs. Eunice Bolan. The Chimo Club Bazaar and Bake Sale was most successful. The ones working included Helen Wallace - receiving; Beth Macadam - con= venor; Nim Wallace - cashier; Mavis Slater, Maybelle Furlonger and Marg Spillane = baking t&ble; Annie Niemi and Ester Birch - bazaar table; Joe Campbell, Eva Haughn, Clarice Lawrence, Mrs. Rouble and Anne Todesco - raf- fles; Alice Sparkes, Winnie Campbell, Bern Jacomb, Olive Cash, Eirene Harness, Bill Gerow, Mrs. Kenney and Marg Spillane - servitors. 'Betha Miller won the door prize; Yola Ceb- " rario the carriage cover, Tommy Weaver the candle set, Susan May the stuffed alligator and Mrs. Rouble the stuffed dog. Sandra Phillips was also a winner. Metric -- measure for measure, it's a better way to measure -~ ants "x ; -- a . Passi 4 i | 1