PAGE 4 TERRACE BAY NEWS OCTOBER 26, 1977 [=m] 25 YEARS AGO - OCTOBER 30, 1952 STORK CLUB: Congratulations this week go to the follow =-ing proud parents: Mr, and Mrs, Harry Byers - a son on Friday, October 2ith, Mr, and Mrs, Sam Chicoine - a daugh- ter on October 26. Mr, and Mrs. Joe Desaulniers - a girl on Monday, October 27th, Mr, and Mrs, Wally Fisher - a boy on Wednesday, October 30th, WELCOME: Lester Legault and wife Doris now living at 477 Superior Ave,; Steve Fedorsk, wife Viola and two children now residing at 174 Birch Cres.; George Part- - ington and wife Evelyn now living at 140A Birch Cres. All Softball players planning on turning in their sweaters must do so by 12 P.M. Monday, November 3rd, After this date, 1t must be assumed that each player who has not returned his sweater desires to purchase it and payroll deductions will be made according. : urling. omments The Men's Semi-Annual Meeting was held on Monday, October 17th. At that meeting the following decisions were made: The Men's membership will be $45.00 per curler. Curling Club members must also be members of the Terrace Bay Recreation "Association. Fees are payable to Membership Chairman Jack Chapman. (Cheques should be made out to Terrace Bay Curling Club). Curlers will form their own teams. team is expected to have a new curler). Membership forms are included elsewhere in 'the paper and can be filled out for a whole team by Skip, or as individual entries in the Men's, or Couples in the Mixed. Every effort will be made to place single entries or couples. Men's curling will be split into two lea- gues similar to last year. This provided an oppor. .ity for teams that only want to play ane night per week to participate fully .in one of the leagues. Mixed curling will be on Friday night once again. : Curling will start early in November so ENTER NOW. Good Curling. (Each ANNOUNCEMENT The Kinsmen Club of Terrace Bay Inc., are pleased to announce that the band 'Pryde' has been booked for the New Year's Dance. Ticket sales will be advertised later. 20 YEARS AGO - OCTOBER 31, 1957 % STORK CLUB: Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, Tom Smith _ on the arrival of a baby daughter on the 24th; and to Mr. and Mrs, N, Bajkiewich, a son on October 27th. WELCOME: to Lloyd and Agnes Paulsen from Kenora now residing at 210 Kenogami Road; William and Rose MocClenaghan, from Ireland are now at I34 Poplar Crescent; The Calders, Gordon and Jacqueline with children living at Terrace Beach, A welcome is also extended to Miss Anita Brennan on the mursing staff at Terrace Bay Hospital, Anita is from Toronto and is living at Hotel Terrace. 1 last year's reserved seat holders have until NOvember nd to claim their seats or change to an equivalent number of any other available seats. On November 4th all unclaimed seats will go on sale on a first-come - first- served basis, Prices for this 15 game series are as follows: REDS - $12,, BROWNS - $10.50, GREENS - $9,00, : 15 YEARS AGO - NOVEMBER 1, 1962 White, pink and blue flowers adorned Hely Angels Church on October 27th for the wedding of Ida, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Carlo Mula, and Joseph Commisso, all of Schreiber, WEEKEND SPECIALS: Maxwell House Instant Coffee - 10 oz. jar - $1.39. Pork Hocks - 3 lbs, ~ $.79. FREE - A beautiful map of the work when you buy -TIDE, FREE - 50 QUEEN BEE STAMPS plus a Tooth Brush when you buy a 98¢ pkg of Colgate's Tooth Paste. A public meeting will be held on November 6th, in the Schreiber Town Hall at 8 p.m. to discuss the possibility of establishing a fund to put artificial Ice in the local Arena, Artificial ice is a real need if a Schreiber Hockey Team is to get the required practice time needed to get and keep a competing team in top condition, 10 YEARS AGO - NOVEMBER 2, 1967 Prior to their departure for Kamloops, Olive and George Martin were entertained at several functions. Mrsi T. Dorland held a coffee party Wednesday morning for friends and neighbours, Her bridge club made a presentation, Mr. and Mrs. A, Chisholm errenged a bowling party for Olive and George and a stag was held for George by the Technical Department. John Ross, a successful hunter who begs both a moose and deer each season, got his deer this year in Death Valley Just east of Schreiber. It is a ten point buck, about 225 1bs, 5 YEARS AGO - NOVEMBER 1, 1972 The Terrace Bay Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 223, held their ammual Awards Night on Friday, October 20th. First Prize for lake Trout went to Howie Cook, 6 lbs, 8 oz. Hemry Duriez won the Rainbow Trout divisic \ and also the Memorial Trophy for the largest Rainbow, which weighed in at 5 lbs, 13 oz, First prize for Speckled Trout went to Bill Hanley - 2 1bs., 7 0Z, 1 YEAR AGO - NOVEMBER 3, 1976 Annette Campbell is the new owner of -the Flower Shop in Schreiber, Mary Martinsen established the first Flower Shop in November, 1961. R.W. (Bob) Turner, who has worked on Schreiber Division, CP Rail, since April 1947 and in the Schreiber station since 1953, has been transferred to Montreal as Operations Superviser in the Powsr Bureau, effiotive November 1st. The Halloween masquerade dance held annually hy the Schreiber Fire Brigade was an overwhelming success. First Prize - Goldilécks and the Three Bears, Marion Henri, Irms Armstrong, Sheila Parent and Nancy Armstrong.