OCTOBER 26, 1977 TERRACE BAY, NEWS PAGE 17 INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS AT RUBY REBEKAH LODGE Ruby Rebekah Lodge 279 held a dinner prior to their meeting on Wednesday, October 12th. Melbers of the Installing team from Topaz Rebekah Lodge Thunder Bay were guests. Mrs. Georgina Davis N.G. and Mrs. Winnie Clemens V.G. presided for the meeting. The District Deputy President Mrs. Loretta Sinclair and the Installing team were welcomed] by the Noble Grand and members. Mrs. Clemens reported for the Sick and Vis- iting Committee saying that Mrs. Lily Wilson and Mrs. Vic Winters were visited. Mrs. Annie Niemi and Mrs. Chris Morris were reported ill at home. Mrs. Sinclair and hor staff installed the following Officers for the coming term: N.G. Mrs. Winnie Clemens; J.P.N.G. Mrs. Georgina Davis; R.S. Mrs. Beth Macadam; F.S. Mrs. Helen Wallace; Warden Alice Sparkes; Conduc- tor Eirene Harness; Chaplain Norma Fummerton; Musician Myrtle Gordon; L.S.N.G. Lilian Chris- tie; I.G. Ileene Williamson; 0.G. Dora Weaver. Mrs. Phyllis Butler P.N.G. brought grassing from Topaz Rebekah Lodge. ' Mrs. Helen Wallace won the attendance 'prize. It was decided to have a Halloween Penny Auction and Pot Luck lunch following the meet- ing on October 26th. OPEN HOUSE DAY AT HOLY ANGELS On Tuesday, October 18 (1977 10 18), Holy Angels School held a successful Open House Day. The purpose of the day was to let the parents and members of the community observe an ordinary teaching day. They were able to see several Phys. Ed. classes in action and be surprised at the students proficiency in French. Some former students of Holy Angels School who now have children of their own in school, had quite a laugh at themselves when looking over old photograph albums. Approximately 125 people visited the school and judging by comments made, all enjoyed themselves and found it a profitable exper- ience. Coffee was available throughout the day. Another Open House Day is planned for the Spring. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those parents and friends who took the time to visit our school. ROSSPORT SOCIAL: Mr. and Mrs. George Schel- ling have returned after holidaying in Windsor and Detroit. BROWNIE AND GUIDE LEADERS FOR SCHREIBER The Catholic Women s League in Schreiber, at their October meeting set their annual baz- aar date for November 12th. In addition to the usual counters of sewing and knitting there will be three cake draws, donated by Liz Pres- cott, Margaret Weaver and Mavis Godin. Kay Stefurak reported leaders for Brownies and Guides have been found and it is hoped to use the Holy Angels School for activities -. Wednesday for Brownie meetings and Thursday for Guides. Simonne Connelly read minutes and corres- - pondence which included a warm letter of thanks from a family in India sponsored by the C.W.L. A donation made to a family who suffered fire damage also sent thanks. Gloria Mullins, membership convener report- ed one honourary member and 170 paid-up mem= bers. There will be at least nineteen more . members receiving their 25 year pins on October 30th. Invitations will be sent out. Mrs. Mullins recommended that the membership list be included in the minute book each year, with list also of those receiving 25 year pins included in the minutes. C.W.L. membership pins are available. The 25¢ per member donation for Provincial Council and workshops is being held. Lorette McParland, who presided for the meeting, commended members for their attendance at the daily Rosary. She read the history of C.W.L. activities compiled from 1963 to 1977. UNITED CHURCH WOMEN MEETING Mrs. Norma Fummerton, acting, president, <* welcomed Mrs. Marie Christie as a guest at the October meeting. The date for the Christmas bazaar was set for December 3rd. Mrs. Winnie Clemens offered to make a Christmas cake for the afternoon's draw prize. Mrs. Fummerton reported she has received the Church calendars and will take orders for it. Mrs. Margee Smith reported on sending cards for various occasions and receiving many thank you notes. , Mrs. Margaret Spillane and Mrs. Margee Smith will be lunch hostesses for the November meeting. A Halloween contest followed the meeting and lunch was served. ROSSPORT SOCIAL: Adolph King has left to spend the winter with his son Peter and family in Espanola, Ontario. Mrs. Eileen Rouble has left to visit rela- tives in Ottawa and St. Catherines.