PAGE 18 TERRACE BAY NEWS JUNE 8, 1977 GUIDING NEWS: Continued from page 14 ... After welcoming them to the Land of Guiding, she seated them on fur skins to await their new group of friends. When all the Brownies had completed their journey a short fun time was held with Snowy Owl Dianne Coupal, Pack 1, assisting many of the mothers in a novelty dance. A few fathers attended the fly-up. Madame Commissioner Marilyn Saranpaa thanked everyone for attending. The singing of Guide and Brownie Taps concluded the evening. Brownies flying up to Guides were: Lisa Fournier, Sheilah Houston, Diana Laybourne, Martha London, Jennifer Kodila, Kerri Pollard, Diana Of Keefe, (Pack 2); Carolyn Borsa, Mar- ianne Kostiuk, Janet Chappel, Laurie Stachiw, Penny Westlake, Donna Wells (Pack 1). COMMUNITY PROJECT A meeting of concerned citizens was held in Schreiber High School library on Tuesday, May 17th to hear reports from the Steering Commit- tee regarding the interests and needs of our communities. Meaningful discussions occurred among the participants from which emerged several areas of overwhelming concern; the need for greater cultural experiences and a need to openly dis- cuss the drug situation in both towns. Regard- ing this first point, the idea of Overture Concerts was favourable discussed. This organ- ization promotes a professional entertainment series on a subscription basis and is function- ing very successfully in towns across Canada. Regarding the drug situation, everyone felt ba that an open-panel discussion might be worth- while in opening up this much neglected topic. In addition it was felt that a pooling of our human resource potential would be extremely valuable and in this regard a "Resource Poten- tial" information sheet was sent to all organ- izations in Terrace Bay and Schreiber. (We would still appreciate these sheets if they could be filled in and mailed to "Community Project" Lake Superior Board of Education, Schreiber, Ontario). According to sheets already returned we have people ready and willing to teach bridge, guitar, drama, golf, pre-school music, whist, band, chemistry, dancing, rug-hooking, piloting, quilting, bread-making, weaving, geology and much more. There are people lined up now to teach bridge to beginners and experts this Fall. Are you interested? Thus far, our meetings have been small in numbers, but the interest of people has been genuine and sincere. Common concerns regard- ing our young and, our aged, the need for us to improve the duality of community and family life has become our basic theme. If you are concerned, please join us at our next meeting Wednesday, June 15 at 7:00 p.m. in the Terrace Bay High School Home Econ- omics Room. GUIDERS MEETING: A short Guiders meeting was held in the Scout Hall, with plans forging ahead for the'2. Brownie Pack Holidays to be done in the near future. Pack 1 will be going to "Three Fingers Lake" and Pack 2 to "Polly Lake". District News was discussed and crests to commemorate Queen Elizabeth's Jubilee will be on sale to everyone in the Guide movement. All children and Leaders have permission to wear the crest on the sleeve of their uniform until June 1978. ; Madame Commissioner was happy to oresent a Warrant and Brown Owls Pin to Mrs. Barbara Lalonde, Pack 1. At the last Division meeting held in Nipi- gon it was decided to hold a contest for a Division Crest to incorporate every phase of |, guiding. This is to be a summer project for all the girls, now that the season is at an end. FILANE'S HIGHWAY SERVICE YOUR PERFORMANCE CENTRE MAG WHEELS AND ACCESSORIES BY : \ SHELBY SUPERIOR UTA APPLIANCE INDUSTRIES sr, PERFORMANCE TIRES BY COOPER SHELBY DOUGLAS PIRELLI "CINTURATO" B.F. GOODRICH "TIA"S DROP IN OR CALI. 824-2531