JUNE 8, 1977 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 11 Yolo AL CHARR RAIA [oe] { § 1c] Fes * Minimal $1,000 -Provincial grant towards home improvements for the elderly. * Personal Tax Exemption of $2,000 per family in lieu of higher educat- ion and other costs in Northern Ontario. * Better sewer, water and street fac- ilities. * More Provincial assistance for rec- reationai facilities (bowling alleys, rinks, etc.) * Provide more employment for our people. * Better deal on gasoline and heat- ing fuel oil costs. Removal of sales tax on chocolate bars and soft drinks. (Sales tax should apply on items over: "50 cents instead of 20 cents.) Vote . . MY MESSAGE TO Y©MI-.; , . The program | have outlined can be carried out with hard work, desire and sincerity. | am young and en- thusiastic and will work hard for the people of the north. As a former Municipal Ccuncillor | am tully aware of the problems that we are facing in our daily lives. LET US GET SOMETHING DONE FOR THE NORTH With the possible . separation of Quebec we need unity to keep Can- ada together. We need elder states- * man like Bill Davis to represent Ontario in our dealings with Quebec. PLEASE HELP ME SO THAT | CAN HELP YOU PLEASE HELP ME SO THAT | CAN HELP YOU LETS KEEP CANADA TOGETHER AL CHARR X "] Care"