APRIL 6, 1977 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 13 VANDALISM ...... WHO PAYS? This notice is being circulated to the general public in response to the amount of deliberate vandalism which has been taking place at the Terrace Bay Recreation Centre. The following are examples of the acts of vandalism which have occurred recently: - four (4) occurrences of broken windows at the Recreation Centre Lounge area. Total of seven (7) windows involved. - three (3) fires deliberately started in the waste receptacles of the Men's Washroom in the Recreation Centre. - three (3) broken windows at the Swimming Pool Change House - two (2) sink basins dislodged from wall in Men's Washroom. - two (2) new doors at Selkirk entrance split as a result of excessive force. - door locks damaged (three sets in total) at Selkirk entrance. - wire-reinforced glass on Selkirk door smashed. . - sink broken in-Home Dressing Room of Arena. - 2" x 6" railing dismantled on Heat Room stairs. - mirror broken in Men's Washroom. 2 Senseless acts of vandalism of this nature will take $1100.00 of YOUR tax dollar to complete repairs and replacements. Just think of the alternate ways in which this amount of money could be spent! 2 DO YOU REALIZE THAT THE RECREATION CENTRE |S MUNICIPALLY OPERATED AND THAT YOUR TAX DOLLAR IS BEING USED TO COMPLETE REPAIRS AND REPLACEMENTS WHICH RESULT FROM THIS VANDAL I SM? : : In an effort fo modernize and update the Recreation Centre (presently in its 23rd year of operation), both Town Council and the Recreation Committee have planned to im- plement a $80,000.00 capital expenditure programme this year. Considering the vandalism the Centre is experiencing, ONE WONDERS |F THIS AMOUNT OF MONEY SHOULD BE SPENT. The time has come for SERIOUS ACTION! Anyone found damaging Recreation Centre pro- perty will be charged and dealt with in a court of law. In addition, suspensions (from the entire Recreation Centre) will be levied for a much longer period of time than has been the practice in the past for deliberate damage to Recreation Centre facilities. The Recreation Centre is available for the citizens to use, not abuse. -it is unfor- tunate that a few irresponsible individuals could affect the leisure service of a great majority of citizens in our community. |f the vandalism continues, the entire Recrea- tion Centre (Arena, Bowling Alleys, Curling Rink, Swimming Pool, etc.) will be CLOSED to the public and a public meeting will be called to discuss the future of the Recreation Centre. If you are concerned with this problem,-we would appreciate written feedback .... send your thoughts, ideas or suggestions to - Terrace Bay Recreation Department Box 460, Terrace Bay, Ontario Members of Town Council, Recreation Committee and staff, Police Department and the Library Board have met twice thus far to discuss the vandalism problem and fol low-up meetings will be held to assess the situation. : When you think of the thousands of individuals who utilize the Centre in a calendar year, it's sad to think that perhaps a handful of "deranged" individuals could force the Centre to be closed. Some of the people using the sit-down restaurant area of the Snack Bar are abusing the area by depositing all their litter on the floor. |f this does not improve in the near future, the tables will be removed and the privilege of using the area denied. OUR PROBLEM IS YOUR PROBLEM ...... WHAT ARE YOU PREPARED TO DO ABOUT IT?