MARCH 30, 1977 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE: 3 LAKE SUPERIOR BOARD APPROVES BUDGET: continued from Pade 2. isu ah oe Mr. F.W. Hyder, who has been appointed as Liaison Officer between the Ministry of Educa- tion and this Board, reported on what his role will be in the coming months. He emphasized that the Ministry of Education is more con- cerned than hitherto about the quality of Ed- ucation in our classrooms and the public too were much more interested in the programs which are being taught. He complimented the Board on the efforts which were being made in the development of curricula in Language Arts, Math and Physical Education in the Primary and Junior divisions, and in Math, History and Geography in the Intermediate division. He also commended the Board on the excellence of the Special Education program which is being implemented in all our schools. The Board approved.its budget for 1977 in-. volving a total spending of approximately "$4.7 million; $2.1 million for Elementary schools = $2.6 million for Secondary schools. Of the total approximately 67% will go towards salaries and fringe benefits, 10% to supplies and services, 8% to capital equipment and debt charges; 5% to contractual services and 10% to miscellaneous expenses and reserves. Approximately $2.6 million of the total : expenditures will be recovered through provin- cial grants for 1977, while various other re- venues should offset another $219,000 in ex- penditures. The balance of the budget will be financed through taxes levied in the eight communities served by the Board. The net re-- sult of the 1977 budget is an approximate 7% increase in educational, taxes for the average taxpayer supporting public schools, across the school division. The next Board meet:ag will be held on April léth at 10 00 in the High School in Terrace Bay. The public are invited to at- tend. ' TERRACE BAY FIGURE SKATING CLUB ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING MONDAY, APRIL 18th 7:30 P.M. Large Meeting Room ALL PARENTS REQUESTED TO PLEASE ATTEND -and suckers. LAKE TROUT STOCKING PROJECT SANTOY LAKE By: G.K. Johnston Conservation Officer Santoy Lake is located approximately 13 miles, east of Terrace Bay and approximately 3 miles north of Highway 17 via the Santoy Lake Road which leads to an access point at the south end of the lake. At one time this lake was called Mountain Lake, a very appropriate name. This long nar --row body of water is bordered by high pre- cipitoeus rock formations except at the north end where the Steel River has formed a large delta. The Steel River flows out of Santoy Lake at the southeast end from where it drains into Lake Superior. Santoy Lake is about seven miles long. It has a surface area of 2,456 acres with a total shoreline perimeter of 16.4 miles. The maximum depth is 318 feet and the overall mean depth is 148 feet. Most fishermen who visit this lake for the first time would probably expect to find lake trout, but this is not the case. The fish species present are pickerel, pike, whitefish These species are only caught in limited numbers. Continued page 5 © ec 200 ce TOWNE CINEMA TERRACE BAY - ONTARIO - TELEPHONE 825-377I Show Times: Monday - Thursday 8:00 P.M. Friday & Saturday 7 & 9 P.M. Sunday 8:30 P.M. Thu. 31% Fri Sat. 2 hor 3 Mon. 4 SHOUT AT THE DEVIL ERTANNENT ADOLY ENT dB SHIVERS ha. 7 Every girls LEE MARVIN Tue. 23 Wed. 6 Na 3 ) summer : = dream. A re eiON L SAM ELLIOTT "UFEGUARD" : "Socom