APRIL 28, 1976 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 9 RECREATION REPORT: Cont'd Before making concrete plans in this regard, we would like to have some ideas as to how many people might be interested. If you are interested, please call the Recreation Office to leave your name and phone number. LADIES KEEP. FIT PROGRAMME : Please refer to page 8 for details regard- ing a six week ladies Keep Fit programme. This ad should contain' all the information you require, but if there is any further ques- tions, please contact the Recreation Office. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN PLAYING CHESS? There are indications that some people in Terrace Bay are interested in playing Chess. If you wish to register your interest and would like to be associated with a Chess Club, call the Recreation Office at 3542 and leave your name and phone number. ' COMING EVENTS: Friday, May 7th - Auxiliary to the McCausland Hospital annual ball, Schreiber High School, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Featuring "The Sound Invest- ment". Advance ticket sales: April 29th and 30th, 7 - 9 p.m., Terrace Bay Recreation Center] and Schreiber Town Hall. May 29 & 30 - Sports Travelcade in Terrace Bay Curling Rink parking lot. HOSPITAL HIGHLIGHTS: 1976 ANNUAL MEETING The 1976 Annual Meeting of the McCausland Hospital Corporation was held at the Terrace Bay High School on Tuesday, April 13th. Close to one hundred members attended the meeting. Mrs. Rena McAdam, Board Chairman, welcomed the members of the Corporation and explained that, this year, each Committee Chairman would present their own report. Knowledge is Under- standing and hoped everyone would have a great -er understanding of the workings of the Hosp- ital and the Board after hearing the reports. Mrs. McAdam paid tribute to the dedicated work done by Mrs. Vida Laporte who has worked in the office for many years, and to Mrs. Bi- chan who had been Director of Nursing. The minutes of the 1975 Annual Meeting, which were distributed prior to the meeting, were adopted as circulated. "REPORTS : Mr. T.W. Houston - Committee Chairman of Finance - reported on the Audit and Finance. Using an overhead projector, showed budgeted and expenditure figures of 1974 & 75. Mr. . Houston explained the cut-back demanded by the Ministry and how it has affected the ex- penditure figures of 1974 - 75. He explained the cut-backs demanded by the Ministry and how Cont'd pg. 12 NOTICE Under the Forest Fires Prevention Act, The period from April 1 to October 31 in each year shall be a fire season. Fire permits are required in a fire district e for all outdoor burning except cooking or obtaining warmth ® to ignite fireworks within 1000 feet of a forest or woodland. A work permit is required to conduct any operation which is liable to cause an: accumulation of slash or debris within 1000 feet of a forest or woodland. No person shall smoke while walking or working in a forest or woodland. Fire permits may be obtained from local Ministry offices or township fire wardens. Es Hon. Leo Bernier Ministry of minister Natural Resources Dr. J.K. Reynolds Ontario Deputy Minister "THE KINSMEN CYSTIC FIBROSIS TELETHON SUNDAY, MAY 9th CHFD==TV 2:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. DURING THE TELETHON IN TERRACE BAY PHONE : 825-3253 2, Pa 825-3254 yy TO HAVE YOUR PLEDGE PICKED UP