PAGE 12 TERRACE BAY NEWS UNITED TRANSPORTATION UNION RETIREMENT BANQUET The United Transportation Union, Schreiber, honoured their 1975 Vet- erans at a banquet and social evening. The veterans including: Albert Nelson, George (Pont) Gordon, Jack Handel, Walter {Red) Murphy, Lenard Bertrand, W. (Bill) St. Louis and Charlie (Bull) Pearson. E.H. (Ted) Morrow, Conductors Representative was M.C. for the occas- ion. He welcomed the veterans and introduced officers and other hon- oured guests at the head table. They were: Leo Breen, the General Chai- rman of the Union from Montreal; Bart Marcelloni, the Vice-Chairman of Toronto; Jack Stokes, M.L.A; Reeve H.J. McParland; A.H. (Joe) Tees, Ass- istant Supt. CP Rail, Schreiber Division; D.Q. Hamilton and members of the local executive and their wives. ; The toast to the Queen was proposed by Pont Gordon and Grace said by Bill Gerow. A vote of thanks was proposed by Terry O'Driscoll to the com- mittee in charge of the event - Gerry Godin, Russell Saarinen, Camille Per- ras, Des O'Driscoll, Gerry Thrower and Jack Anderson. Mr. Morrow paid special tribute to Jim Carmichael, of Arnprior who has been 22 years on pension and attended the party and regretted the absence of John Miller, 33 years on pension, still active but residing in Birchwood Terrace in Terrace Bay. Mr. Tees congratulated the pensioners, those presently being honoured, and the older ones attending. The Company, he said, regrets losing each of these experienced men but wishes them many years to enjoy their well earned pensions. : Mr. Breen, said it was a pleasure to see officers of the Company, the Union and local officers gather to honour veterans. He felt it was a good omen for the conference which will be taking place shortly, when among po- ints to be discussed will be pensions, the cost of living clause, survivors allowance and other additional benefits. Mr. Stokes said it was a pleasure to take part in honouring veterans with whom he had worked and learned much, and then offered the formal cong- ratulations of the Government of Ontario. He complemented the younger men on their public acknowledbement that their present working conditions and life style had been secured for them by such veterans under very different working conditions. He urged the pensioners to enjoy their pensions but - to not retire! "You men", he said, "have a wealth of experience to share The Royal Co the Communi free, 24-hour If you pl: to tell us ho ig the media or + submitting a We'll sen information y Express. And; a stthmission, with the present leaders of the community you have so long supported. Make your voices heard, make your wishes and opinions known!" During his visit he had noted the capabilities of the many Senior Citizens Clubs organized and realized the latent power they possessed. f Use 'this, Mr. Stokes urged. A gift was presented to Mrs. Connie Martin during the dinner, marking the Union's apprecia- tion of the sketches she had made for the last three banquets to adorn the walls. ict various incidents in railroading which she has learned from her husband, George Martin. They dep- ' The occasion was unique for Mrs. John Handel (nee Margaret Pearson) since both her husband and her brother, Charlie Pearson were both among the veterans being honoured. Another interesting incident during the evening was when Mrs. Gordon McCuaig (nee Virginia Miller) paid her father's (John Miller) dues for the 33rd time. Following the dinner, which was attended by 125 the party moved on from the Town Hall to the Schreiber High School where a dance was enjoyed. The recent veterans were presented with engraved wallets and their ladies with corsages. It was a gala occasion, with shouts of laughter as veterans exchanged stories of bygone days and trips. In addition to those already mentioned, other veterans attending the party were Mr. and Mrs. G. McCuaig, Mr. and Mrs. M. Oakley, Mr. and Mrs. B. Colpitts, Mr. and Mrs. L. Portelance, Mr. and Mrs. C. Bangs and W.E. Jacobson, all of Thunder Bay; Jim Carmichael, Arnprior; Jim Ranklin, Ottawa and Mr. and Mrs. Regis Creighton and Bobby McKee of Chapleau. " wd