PAGE 6 TERRACE BAY NEWS WOMEN'S INSTITUTE: The October meeting of the Schreiber Wom- en's Institute was presided over by Mrs. Char- lie Todesco who welcomed as guests Mrs. Carol Stadey of Upsala, President of the District and Mrs. Philip Boyko, Provincial Representa- tive. Mrs. F. Harness read a Thansgiving prayer and the motto for the meeting was "Look back and give thanks, look forward with courage." Roll call was answered with articles for the Bring and Buy table. In current events members discussed the Federal government's policy of wage and price control, and the threatened postal strike. Mrs. W. Clemens read minutes and corresponden- ce, the latter including an invitation from the Upsala W.I. to attend their 40th Anniver- sary on October 29 and information on the Di- strict Rally being held in Thunder Bay on Oct. 26. Mrs. Todesco agreed to represent Schrei=- ber at this event. Life Memberships were ordered for two mem- bers who have been active members for over 25 years. A wreath was ordered for Remembrance Day to be placed by Mrs. Harness. Mrs. Mavis Slater, acting treasurer, gave the financial report and also read the card report prepared by Mrs. John Morris. Flowers will be ordered for ailing members and suitable cards purchased for Senior Cit- izens. In Canada its Tilden Featuring GMC trucks a L'DEN Truck rentals SPADONI BROS. LTD. SCHREIBER -- TERRACE BAY CALL LARRY AT 824-2304 OCTOBER 29, 1975 Donations were made to the McCausland Hos- pital Building Fund and the Schreiber Medical Centre. Mrs. Stadey spoke briefly, thanking the Branch for its hospitality. Mrs. Boyko gave an interesting talk on her work and highlights of the provincial meeting which she attended. Mrs. Todesco presented a gift to Mrs. Stadey. Mrs. T. Bolan read a poem "Thansgiving Th- oughts" which had been donated by Oliver Plu-= mmer. Following the meeting a potluck supper was enjoyed, the table centered with Autumn flowers. Mrs. John Spillane is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Rodney O'Driscoll in Chemanius, B.C. STORK CLUB Born to Mr. and Mrs. David Luxmore, Terrace Bay a girl on October 22nd. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Roddy Thompson, Ter- race Bay a girl on October 27th. " FILANE'S VARIETY STORE JOB OPENINGS ONE FULL TIME ONE PART TIME Phone 824-2172 Thunder Bay (Alpine) . . . 577-6426 825-3286 Red Lake . . . . 727-2858 0229-1213 . Fort Frances . 274-7121 RESERVATION CENTRE (807) 577-6426 TELEX: 073-4360 OR CALL YOUR TRAVEL AGENT Terrace Bay . Marathon . . .