OCTOBER 22, 1975 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 15 A group of Teenage boys are interested in starting up a Venturer group. Their enthus- iasm for the outdoors and fo? projects is rea- lly sincere, but no matter how much willing- ness and energy they put into their ideas they can't carry them through without a Leader. Are you a man with love of the outdoors? Like camping, fishing and even snowmobiling in the beautiful snow covered Pine forests that surround Terrace Bay - it's beauty unlim- ited, and you too can get more out of life if you give a little of your time to our teens. Think about it. No previous experience with Scouts or Venturers is required. Just you are all the requirements we need. C.P.R. EMPLOYEES (SCHREIBER) CREDIT UNION 20th ANNIVERSARY BANQUET & DANCE NOVEMBER 21st. 1975 Members, wives or husbands: $5.00 each Tickets for dinner must be purchased by Nov- ember" 7th, 1975 and will be .available at the Credit Union Office. Symposium - 6:00 p.m. Smorgasborg = 7:00 p.m.{Schreiber Town Hall) Music by: Party Seund | 9:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m. at the Schreiber High : Schoel Auditorium. OPEN DANCE: Non-Members - $1.00 each SCHREIBER PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE Schreiber Parks and Recreation invites applications for the position of: WORKING RINK MANAGER Hours to be according to the 1975-76 arena schedule. Salary - $750.00 per month. Deadline for applications is 5:00 p.m. Friday, October 24th. In case of mail strike phone: 824-2018 Send applications tc: Mrs. M. Doig(Secretary), P.O. Box 98, Schreiber, Ontario. BEEF RAFFLE TICKETS There's still time to get your beef raffle tickets. There is still some tick- ets left. Tickets ere $1.50 each and are for 400-450 pounds of beef which has been donated by Ted and Althea Graham. 11 will be cut and wrapped by Schreiber Foodmer-ket. All 'proceeds go to the McCausland Hosp- ~ital Building Fund. TERRACE BAY - Tickets available from Ceb- rario's Hardware "and Robinsons Store or contact Mrs. 'M. Puttock at 825-3562: or Mrs. J. Nugent at 825-3841 : ROSSPORT,. SCHREIBER - Contact Shawn Kirk- patrick at 824-2552 or Bruce Tilbury at 824-2480. Draw takes place on. October 31st at the Fireman's Ball in Schreiber. Thunder Bay (Alpine) 577-6426 Terrace Bay 825-3.86 Red Lake 727-2858 Marathon 229-4213 (Fert Frances 274-7721 RESERVATION CENTRE (807 577-6426 TELEX 073 4360 OR CALL YOUK TRAVEL AGENT ST.ANDREW'S TEA A tea will be held in St. Andrew's. United Church Lower Hall, Schreiber, marking the 90th Anniversary of the Church. : : Tea - 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sunday, October 26th and to commerate the 50th year of Church Union, Rev. Lloyd Ivany of St. Paul's . and the Children's Hand Bell Ringers from Thunder Bay will be our guests Sunday, October 26th at 7:00 p.m. Everyone Cordially Invited. hd