PAGE 4 TERRACE BAY NEWS OCTOBER 8, 1975 IN THE NEWS THIS WEEK 25 YEARS AGO - OCTOBER 5, 1950 STORK CLUB: Congratulations are in order to the following parents of new babies: Mr, and Mrs, Leon C)-~kryn, baby girl on October 3rd. Mr, and Mrs. Joe Kennody, baby boy on October 3rd, You'll soon have a ball team. Joe. Mr. and Mrs, Don Stewart, baby girl on October 3rd. Mr. and Mrs. Herry Smith, baby girl on October 3rd. On Thursday afternoon, September 28, M- E, Cavanaugh, of the Youth Services committee, presente: the prizes don- ated by the Kiwanis Club of Terrace Bay t: the winners of the Safety Book colouring contest. These colouring books were supplied by the Department of Highways tc children in grades kindergarten to grade four, The winners were as follows: your week ahead sy og. aw. oamis ARIES Mar. 21-Apr. 19 TAURUS Apr. 20-May 20 GEMINI May 21-June 20 MOONCHILD June 21-July 22 LEQ July 23-Aug. 22 VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22 LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22 SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21 SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec. 21 CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 19 AQUARIUS Jan. 20-Feb. 18 PISCES Feb. 19-Mar. 20 Forecast Period: October 11 to October 18 There's things that you must look into per- sonally. Don't make the mistake of letting an associate take care of your job, task or project. Do it yourself. It's highly probable that you'll stumble over a series of small reversals. So, simply crawl from one event to the other--make it through the cosmic cycle. Teamwork, associates who will work as soldiers, shows in your chart. No question about it, there's all sorts of help and moral support coming your way. Don't jump the gun on a project that should begin at the close of this month. Apparently, you're too anxious to get a new venture star- ted. "Red tape" seems to be in the scheme of things. Some sort of hassel or legal en- tanglement, in one form or another, will delay a purchase or possession. Give first consideration and priority to your own projects; you're prone to becoming involved in someone else's affairs. Conse- quently, several opportunities might escape. According to your chart, there's high powdered financial information heading your way. Someone will put you on a winner, as the saying goes. It's a good time to ask for favors. As a matter "of fact, a little aggressiveness will work won- ders. Incidentally, several valid rumors are on the wing. z Stellar patterns focus on several interesting, very interesting, conversations with a mem- ber of the opposite sex. By the way, guard your words--they'll be repeated. You'll be obligated to protect an associate. Here's a tip. First, strengthen your own position with persons in authority. And, whatever you do--get your facts together. A member of the opposite sex might seek your belo: It's highly probable that the situation pending event will be beyond your control. Double your guard against someone who claims to have a mutual goal. In reality, you'll be drawn into a scheme that will work against your own interest. Kindergarten: 1st - Susan Wig, 2nd - Gail Wood. Grade 1: 1st - Eve Carriers, 2nd - Binney Hemeon. Grade 2: lst - Cayle Sweet, 2nd - Gilles LeBlanc. Grade 3: 1st - Lucille Jolin, 2nd - Claire Carriere, Grade 4: 1st - larry Wilson, 2nd - Rosalind Savoy. Members of the Kiwanis Club of Terrace Bay were hosts to the Kinsment'!s Club of Schreiber on Tuesday evening last in the Hotel Terrace. In the absence of President Bert laundy Vice President Al McColl presided and extended a hearty welcome to the visitors. The speaker for the evening was Glen Lumbers who ga 'e a very interesting and informative talk on the history of spices, telling many interesting stories in connection wi the spices that we most commonly use, Glen was thanked for his address by Jack Ridge, who voiced the appreciation of all present. Doug Douglas, Vice President of the Schreiber Kinsmen, acting for Alex Gordon, the President, called on Ken Hutchinson to thank the Kiwaniens for their hospitality. 20 YEARS AGO - THIS ISSUE MISSING FROM OUR FILES 15 YEARS AGO - OCTOBER 6, 1960 Migs Theresa Cattani, whose marriage to Mr: Roland Stortini of Sohreiber will take place on November 12th in St. Anthony's Church, Port Arthur, was the guest of honour last Monday evening when her many friends and associates from Schreiber and Terrace Bay gathered in St, Martin's Church Hall for a surprise shower. A farewell party was held at the Crockford Cabin, White Send lake, last week for Olga and Ole Olsen prior to their departure on Saturday for Castlegar, B.C. STORK CLUB: Born to Mr, and Mrs, L, Petrus of Terrace Bay, a son, on October 2nd, WEEKEND SPECIALS: Ics Cream - Assorted Flavours = 85¢, Breakfast Bacon = in the piece -~ per lb, - 55¢, Eviscer- ated Turkeys - Grade 'BY = 10 12 1b, average - 49¢/1b, 10 YEARS AGO - OCTOBER 7, 1965 At the regular monthly meeting of the ladies "suxiliary to the Community Church wes held on Monday, October th, Mrs. Lois Hopper mads a special presentation on behalf ef the Auxiliary to Mrs. Virginia (Galvin who is a Past Pres- ident and 1s also serving on the present executive and is leaving to take up residence in Port Arthur, Mr, and Mrs, A. Farrow and Miss Barbara Haughn attended the Grand Chapter Sessions of the Order of the Eastern Star held in Toronto recently. Mr, and Mrs, W. Scheuchenpflug recently soot a two week vacation out on the West Coast, Ernie Piper of Vancouver and Jean and Ken MacFarlane of Fort William visited with the Reg Cottons last weekend. Student News: On Friday, October lst the student's wesk in our little, old, high school was wrepped up in a well organized group activity. This sook-hop or replica of modern dance commenced at 3:30 p.m. and heard the Voo Doo Band, Paul Theriault, Ron Stuart, Tom Gerew and Richard Levigne at their best, The hop was a tremendous success. After many years of residence in Terrace Bay, Vicky and Steve Synishin with Stephenie, Sandra, Shereen and Stephen bid ferewell to their friends, to make their home in Fort William. 5 YEARS AGO - OCTOBER 8, 1970 Pink and white carnations graced the Chancel on Sept- omber 5th, at 3 p.m., when Ilynda Mae lawrence and Derek John Wills exchanged their wedding vows, Rev, E.C, Prin- selaar officiated, Lynda is the daughter of Mrs, J. Lawrence and Derek is the son of Mr, and Mrs, R., Wills. A pink and white theme was the setting for the double ring ceremory in St. Paul!s United Church, Manitouwadge, on August 29th, uniting in marriage Patricia Amn Smith, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. E. (Russ) Smith, of Manitouwadge, and Owen Thomas Turner, son of Mr, and Mrs, Tom Turner of Terrace Bay. continued Page Beescscscscss