PAGE 4 TERRACE BAY NEWS SEPTEMBER 24, 1975 IN THE NEWS THIS WEEK 25 YEARS AGO - SEPTEMBER 21, 1950 STORK CLUB: Cengratulations are in order te the following proud parents: Mr, and Mrs, John Wade - a girl born September 14th, Mr, and Mrs. Ed Brady - a girl born September 18th, and Mr, and Mrs. R, Fournier, a girl born September 19th. Ron Faust, our Wood Handling Superintendent, has just dis- covered a new pastime, The only thing you need is (1) a stick (2) a large can, and (3) a moose, The whole idea is to scare the daylights out of the moose by beating on the can. Ron claims he developsd this due to the fact that thers is no open season on moose, Our opinion is that he was scared by the moose and took this method rather than climb a tree, Have we said enough? Ceremonies for the constituting consecrating and dedication of the new lodge building and the investiture and installat- ion of the officers of the Terrace Bay lodge, AF. and A.M, , No. 662, were held Friday afternoon and evening at Terrace Bay Those installed to office in the Terrace Bay Lodge include: HeJs Coe, WeMs; HoC. lauridry, D, of C. George Coulter, S.W.; F.0. Soughton, J.W.; R.H, Scowen, secretary; D.C. Porter, treasurer; Rev, G.A. Crawley, chaplain; R.G. Macadam, senior deacon; J. Duncan, junior deacon; A.D. MacDonald, I.G.; Je Jeanneret, S.S.; D, McDonald, J.S.; G.C. Maitland, tyler. 20 YEARS AGO - SEPTEMBER 22, 1955 On Saturday, and Sunday, September 17th and 18th the above Northwestern Ontario Conservation Federation held their semi- annual meeting in Rossport. Don Ollen-Bittle was re-elected president, John Budd, Biologist, Department of lands and Forests gave a very interesting report on lamprey control which report President Ollen-Bittle will make available in the next issue of the Terrace Bay News. STORK CLUB: Congratulations this week go to Mr. and Mrs. John Mikus on the birth of a daughter on September 17th. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dodge were pleased to have their two out-of-town daughters home for the past weekend, Charmaine from Toronto, and Betty from Port Arthur where she has commen~ ced training in the General Hospital. June and Johnny Schritt with son Bevin John returned home last week from their holidays spent in Duluth and in Winkler, Manitoba with Johnny's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Peter Sohritt and in Winnipeg with Johnny's sister, Mrs, Giesbrecht., The marriage of Miss Louise Audrey Farrow, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Ab Farrow, Terrace Bay, to Mr. Thomas Ormison Smith took place in Port Arthur, on Monday, September 12th, Reverend Peden officiated and the bridesmaid was Miss Edna Mae Walsh while groomsman was Bill Smith, brother of the groom. Mr, and Mrs, Smith will reside in Terrace Bay. 15 YEARS ACO - SEPTEMBER 22, 1960 The official opening of the Trans-Canada Highway from Sault Ste, Marie to the Lakehead took place on Saturday, Sept=- ember 17th. Reeve J.A. Ferrier and Mrs. Ferrier, business people and others represented the town of Terrace Bay at the official ceremony in Wawa, Ontario. STORK CLUB: Born to Mr, and Mrs. J.S. St. Pierre of Schreiber, a daughter on September 13th, Born to Mr. and Mrs. R. Fournier of Schreiber, a son, on September 15th. Born to Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Peters of Terrace Bay, a daughter, on Sept- ember 18th, Born to Mr, and Mrs. T, Wainikka of Schreiber, e. daughter, on September 19th, Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Riley of Forest Hill, formerly of Schr- eiber are visiting their son and family, Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Riley, Jr, and other relatives in town. Mrs. Gourley Small of Toronto, a former Schreiber resident ie a guest at the home of Mr, and Mrs, F.C. Maca Eugene Adamo has enrolled at the University of Toronto where he is taking first year Dentistry, Eugene is the son of Mr, and Mra. W. Adamo. . WEEKEND SPECIALS: Fresh Eggs - Grade "A" Medium = 2 doz. = 99¢. Peaches = B.C. Alberta - 18 1b. carton = $2.69. Clover Farm Sliced White Bread - 24 oz, loaf = 194, 10 YEARS AGO - SEPTEMBER 23, 1965. STORK CLUB: Mr. and Mrs. J. Speziale are happy to annou- ce the birth of a son in Terrace Bay Private Hospital on September 20th, - Mr, and Mrs, A Smith of Schreiber are ple- ased to announce the birth of a daughter, SHeryisigm on Sunday, September 12th in Nipigon District Memorial Hospital. John Demecha, who left at the beginning of September for Kamloops, B.C., was followed by his wife Gertrude and son Victor this weekend. held Open House, Prior to John's departure, the Demechas ARIES Mar. 21-Apr. 19 TAURUS Apr. 20-May 20 GEMINI May 21-June 20 MOONCHILD June 21-July 22 LEO July 23-Aug. 22 VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22 LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22 SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21 SAGITTARIUS "Nov. 22-Dec. 21 CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 19 AQUARIUS Jan. 20-Feb. 18 PISCES Feb. 19-Mar. 20 Forecast Period: September 29 to October 4 ! Speaking of personality flaws, you Aries, must cope with a neurotic that's now walked on stage. Your ability to placate will be put to test. Here we go! It seems as though you will not leave '"'well enough" alone. You're prone to tamper with serious the cost of your job, task or project. An unusual interest in the woes of an associate, shows in your chart. For some reason or another, you'll be probing into af- fairs and areas that should not be disturbed. It might not have occurred to you, but in the far dark corners of your've limited your circle of friends. Why? Think about it! Decisions based on hearsay are deadly, in deed. And speaking of "hearsay," most of your mininformation will 'pertain to a superior. Bluntly, don't cross swords with per- sons in authority. Most members of your sign will be in sort of a twilight zone. Meaning? A series of events will find you feeling both happy and sad. For no apparent reason, whatsoever, many members of your sign will feel out of sorts. The planet Neptune's influence pushes you into a mysterious mood. It'll pass, quikly. It seems as though you are considering a serious, very serious, plan which, incidentally, is being opposed by a frivolous and light heart- ed person. According to your chart, it would be a good idea to alter or reschedule social plans. Other- wise, you'll offend someone or trigger an em- barrassing situation. Being liberal with "good advice," seems to be your hang up, during this week's cosmic cycle. There's one problem, however. Your "advice"' might provoke an associate. This week, more than the remainder of the year--you must draw from past experience. Duplicating misjudgements and taking things for granted, could be costly. You might find difficulty in carrying out new plans related to your job, task or project. Ap- parently, undercurrents and the clandestine activities of an associate is harpooning your progress. - am AEE an ER Dia a hn.