PAGE I2 TERRACE BAY NEWS : JULY!'23,:1975 SCHREIBER RECREATION NEWS Dwight Marshall and his family have re- OUTDOOR SURVIVAL & EXPERIENCE: turned home to Paducah, Kentucky - Dwight Registrations are open to ages I2 and up declaring it a salvage operation to rescue his family from grandparents - Joe and Winnie for the month of August. The program will : : consist of many trips overnight in this area. Campbell and Bill: and Marg Gerow's clutches. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bottomley are in If there are enough interested people a trip : 2 will be planned to canoe through Quetico Park Sault Ste, Marie to attend the funeral of A Jim Guild a brother-in-law. past Thunder Bay. . iy: : * Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Peppiatt and their Ey TENNIS TOURNAMENT : son Douglas James of Toronto are visiting At Schreiber Tennis Courts August 5th to Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Smith and Mr. and Mrs. 9th. Registrations will be accepted until J.R. Smith. Mrs. Peppiatt, the former Cathy July 29th. Entry fees are $I.50 with a mem- Smith, who for several years in Schreiber and bership and $2.00 without. Trophies and priz-| Terrace Bay, has many old friends to welcome es will be given to Ist, 2nd and 3rd events. her. For further information contact the Recrea- Antonio De Leo and his family of Toronto tion Office and ask for Kirk Fischer or Mark are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy De Leo, Morrow. da ano Manitoba St. visiting also their many old man 8 friends in town. WINTER PROGRAMS: 5 In order to-.arrange. any programs during the ) Mrs, John Stortini of Sault gre. Maris is here to take her daughter Kristine back winter months your suggestions must be brought ? : ; in to the Recreation Office before the summer home ~- the little girl having been visiting her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. F.V. Harness is over. i a for several weeks. J GRAND PRIX WRESTLING: Mr. and Mrs. Alex Brown of Milwaukee are. From Montreal is coming to Schreiber arena visiting Mr. Brown's brothers Herb & Harold on Saturday, August 2nd for an evening show. Gellert and their families. : This is sponsored by Schreiber Parks and Rec- _reation Committee. For further information posters will be put up in Schreiber and Terr- ace Bay as to the time and prices. Royal Canadian Legion ADULT SWIMMING: Any adults interested in taking swimming : Branch 709 lessons, contact Linda Fraser at 824-2I93 or & phone the Recreation Office at 824-2317. Schreiber Lessons will run two evenings a week for males and females. Registration is $I0.00. FIELD DAY | MONDAY, AUGUST 4TH continued page I4 ........ SCHREIBER TOWN TOPICS Mr. and Mrs. Remi Leroux of Pettawa, 1:00 P.M. visited briefly in Schreiber, when returning Leaiion Grounds home after attending a reunion of Dieppe p prisoners of war, held in Red Deer, Alta. Costume Parade - Prizes - Free Treats Mr. and Mrs. Leroux are very active in projec-||- ts of the Pettawa Branch of the Royal Canadian RACES - 5 Legion, and enjoyed meeting some Schreiber 1:30 P.M. Legion members. Prizes - Refreshment Booth - Hamburgers Mr. and Mrs. D.G. Walton and their family - Cabbage Rolls - Pop 4 have returned after visiting relatives in 3 Saskatoon and North Battleford. ; . = i Mr. and Mrs. Alex Christia and Mr. and BINGO - 2:30 P.M. Mrs. Jim Kostecki spent their vacation travel-| : ling together, sight-seeing en route to and SOCIAL EVENING - 9:00 P.M. from Denver, Col. where they attended a f $1.00 per person conysnuion, Music - M.V.'s Power Outlet Earl McCouan, was home, visiting his moth- er and other relations, bringing with him Bob Clark and son Robert, all of Windsor. RAFFLE FOR A DEEP FREEZER - Tickets $1.00