PAGE I8 TERRACE BAY NEWS APRIL 30, I975 K - I3 PROFESSIONAL DAY On Friday, April I8th, the Lake Superior Board of Education and Nip Rock Board of Edu- cation, held a Professional Development Day at the Terrace Bay Campus of Lake Superior High School. Approximately 200 elementary and secondary school teachers from Manitouwadge, Marathon, Terrace Bay, Schreiber and Nipigon - Red Rock attended the day's activities. This was the first Professional Development Day ever held in the region to include both elem- entary and secondary educational panels. The Keynote Address was given by Mr. Eric Runacres, Director of Education for Hastings County. Mr. Runacres spoke on "the problem of involvement" as experienced by educators, ad- ministrators, students and parents in today's educational environment. Following Mr. Run- acres speech the teachers held seminars design -ed to allow for discussion of the keynote address. At noon an excellent lunch was held at the Moose Hall, catered to by the Ladies Auxiliary of the Moose. The afternoon provided teachers with an opportunity to attend two of nine workshops 'offered. Each of these workshops was lead by an experienced resource person or educator. The workshops and resource personnel were as follows: Metriciation, Dr. A. Booth, President 'Lakehead University; Family Life and Sex Edu- cation, Dr. K. Wood, Director of Continuing Education, and Ms. G. Warren, Lakehead Univer- sity; Public Relations, a panel consisting of Mr. Jack Stokes, MPP, Mr. R.A. Cressman, Dir- ector of Education, and Mr. Wendel Fulton, Legislative Observer for 0.S.S.T.F.; Open Con- cept Education, Mr. Jack Buchanan, Principal, Central Algoma Secondary School; Native Stud- ies, Chief Roy Michano, Heron Bay Reserve; Semestering, Mr. Brock Godfrey, E.D.P. Branch, Ministry of Education; Organization of Student Tours, Mr. Brian Whitfield, Central Canada student Tours; Certification, Mr. Wilkie Davey O.S.s.P.F. and Mr. Frank Dillon, Q.E.C.O.; Creative Teaching Materials, George Bott and Mary Middaugh, Lake Superior Board of Educat- ion. These workshops were very well received by the delegates and initiated a large amount of discussion and reflective though. The Professional Development Day Committee would like to take this opportunity on behalf of the teachers to thank the Lake Superior Board of Education and Nip Rock Board of Edu- cation and the participating resource personn- el for a very successful educational experien- ce. We are sure that the workshops and key- note address will help teachers to continue to develop their educational expertise so as to provide our communities with the best poss- ible education. SOCIAL SPECTRUM Sheila and Brian Montey had Sheila's par- ents Mr. and Mrs. H. Thompson of Eagle River visiting for the weekend. The Newest Band on the North Shore - Rags in Time have generously donated their Band to the 'Antiques' to hold a dance hopefully on June 21st in the arena. All proceeds will go to the McCausland Hospital Building Fund. Mr. Mike Merchison of Thunder Bay spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lundberg. kkhhhkhkkhhhkhhhhkk Mrs. Fred Harness and her sister Mrs. A.W. Slater are in London attending the funeral of an uncle. Mrs. Nellie Mykichuk had unexpected visi- tors this week - Mrs. Jean Tomiak of Winnipeg, her sister-in-law and Mrs. Helen Norris of Thunder Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Harry White of Thunder Bay spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Lester McCuaig. PUB NIGHT NORTH STAR HOTEL (Schreiber Hotel) WOULD LIKE TO WELCOME EVERYONE TO OUR 1ST PUB NIGHT THIS FRIDAY, MAY 2ND STARTING SPECIAL FEATURES; LIVE RAG TIME MUSIC Th QUARTS OF BEER 1) COME ON OUT FOR SOME GOOD OLD FASHION FUN Manager MUGS OF DRAFT & HOMEMADE PIZZA S. Spadoni