1975 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 9 'A TOUCH OF SPRING! 10se of you who thought just possibly 1s here - you weren't far wrong as jed to catch 'A Touch of Spring' when graphed Crocus's at Mary Brant's f you look hard, just below the water /ou can see them. CAR BOUGHT FOR $25.00 are - Walter Steiner and Robert 5=11953 North Camp. Bob told Pam >the car for-$25.00-and sold it for id a case of beer. WILL YOU BE THERE? 1ual Meeting of the McCausland Hos- >oration will be held on April 7th, P.M. in the Lake Superior High Schreiber Campus. Will you be there ou be one of the I276 people who nember of the Corporation and there rest ended? b>llars are needed and appreciated but nore than dollars to keep our hos- 8S Den. pital open. Your Board of Governors needs your support as well as your dollars. They have worked extremely hard and diligently to receive approval in principle for the new Health Complex and the functional programmes which it will provide. The board need community wide involvement in whatever decisions are made. It is your tax dollar which is being spent and your health care which is at stake. Can we count on your support and att- endance at this meet- ing? HOSPITAL REQUIRES FOUR NEW BOARD MEMBERS At the Annual Meet- ing of the McCausland Hospital Corporation on April 7th, 1975 at in the Lake Superior High School - Schreiber Campus, ele- ctions will be held to fill two year terms of office which have ex- pired. Three of the present board have signified their inten- tion to allow their names to stand again for election. They are Mrs. Margaret Putt- ock, Mr. Bill Houston and Mrs. Roland Wills. Mr. Joe Figliomeni will not seek re-election. If you are a member of the Hospital Corpor- ation, are genuinely interested in the fut- ure of our Health Com- plex and have the time to serve, why not all- Ow your name to stand? You may do so by con- tacting a member of our Nominating Committ- ee - Mr. B. McCracken, Schreiber or Mr. Bill Houston, Terrace Bay or any member of the Board An alternate method continued page IO .. The Seventh Annual - Public Relations Lakehead SCHOOL of HOCKEY of North ne s Finest 3---TWO W EEK SESSIONS July 21- Aug. 8 Aug, 5-18 Aug. 13-31 Graduates of {he T.akehead School of Hockey are mak- ing their presence felt in various colleges and leagues from one end of the country to the other. Just Imagine . . . how much vorr son will improve with neariv 10 hours of ice time in 2 weeks with in<truction from the best hackey school staff in the business. SPECIAL GROUP RATES For an informative hroct hure write Lakehead School of Hockey Box 522 (1) Or Call 622-9079 For More Information Name » ADDRESS hiss eo. 0 0°40 ole Phone . . . . ee seni 0 a