+1975 m---- TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 23 ; Classified Ads DS OF THANKS & ANNOUNCEMENTS MINIMUM CHARGE I.00 (25 words and under) I.25 (if charged) 3¢ PER WORD AFTER 25 Tok Eltigre, 295, low mileage. Phone 825-3291 974 Mustang II, disc brakes, p.s., 4 cylinder s 23 hundred c.0. engine, 25-30 mpg, I5,000 1lent condition. Phone 824-2070 anytime. vo (2) western style four (4) bulb light fixtures ndition. Will sell separately. $30.00 each. 92. Romance, Detective, Mystery, Western. I2 bks/ Choice. Girlie mags, used, IO bks/$4.00. xplicit photo bks. $2.00, $5.00, $7.00, $10.00 ly type. Cash or Money Order. Immed. del. 5/0 Books Canada, Box 664, Chatham, Ontario. ine for Volkswagon. 5.0., 1960-65 model. 33. wsabon Golf Club interested in purchasing begin- golf clubs (sets to be used as rentals). Anyone n selling their clubs to the Golf Club can lara (825-3374). sessionaire required to operate Food Bar and \guasabon Golf Course. For additional informa- ibmit your application write to Jim Hara, x 399, Terrace Bay, Ontario. Must be in good condition, Also - air compressor. } RENT - Phone 82U-2172. AGENT WANTED - EXPANDING CANADIAN OIL COMPANY ble person who can work without supervision. in a year plus bonus. Contact customers in rea. Limited auto travel, We train. Air k, Pres., Southwestern Petroleum Canada Ltd., 3, Brampton, Ontario LET 2J6 AGENT WANTED - DEPENDABLE MAN WHO CAN WORK VISION. Earn $I4,000 in a year plus bonus. mers in Terrace Bay area. Limited auto travel, ~ Meil H.R. Dick, Pres., Southwestern Petroleum , Pt, Worth, Tx, 2I" bleck and white T.V. Fleetwood. Phone =~ \l, EASTER FASHION SHOW - Sunday, March I6th, aiber High School, Admission $I.00. Fashions (S =~ A very special thank you to Mr. Fix-it [11 who has all winter given his time, talents ; efforts to fix broken skis for brokenhearted Thank you Jack} - A grateful young friend. _ = I would like to express my sincere appreci- irrace Bay Ski Club for giving me the opportun- * 1975 Ski Queen, and for the lovely gift and lal thanks to the people who organized the Car- BUSINESS DIRECTORY PHOTO COPYING I m. dodick FOR ALL YOUR .0. AND OPTOMETRIST COMMERCIAL ® PRINTING 1119 VICTORIA AVENUE THUNDER BAY PHONE 622-7726 CONTACT THE TERRACE BAY NEWS CAMERON K. BURGESS INSURANCE AGENT 81 HUDSON DRIVE BOX 398 825-2370 TERRACE BAY TERRACE BAY CLEANERS DRYCLEANING & LAUNDRY PHONE: Terrace Bay 825-3335 Schreiber 824-2639 YOUR SHELL OIL AGENT JAMES P. MIKUS SERVING SCHREIBER AND TERRACE BAY PHONE 825-3268 @ NOTICE: INSURANCE OFFICE D.G. BENO WILL BE CLOSED MARCH 14 - 31 EMERGENCY CALLS: KERNAGHAN ADJUSTERS PHONE 344-6648 test and all who voted for me. Thank You, = Carolyn Vanderkam. in Canada it's TILDEN RENT-A- CAR Rent-a-car od 3 CHEVROLET IMPALA a ol 5 Ame SPADONI BROS. LTD. - - CALL LARRY AT 824-2304