I975 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 7 wnship of Marathon expressed a desi- more active liaison committee betwe- ls and Board. This matter was re- Mr. K. MacNeill, replacement for R. Manitouwadge representative and of the committee. S.S.T.A. will hold their annual con- n Toronto on April 3rd to 4th and '.A. will hold their annual convent- ncton, June 22nd to 24th. J. DelPino thanked the Board for al opportunity provided for his son e Lakehead Board-Teacher impasse. an-Paul Jomphe, Mr. Yvon Butler, ette Scapinello, Mrs. Rose Dumais, adette Pelletier and Mrs. Georgette | have been elected to serve on the nguage Advisory Committee. 75 capital allocation request did with Ministry approval. No funds llocated for The Lake Superior Sch- ion this year. nistry has released the new P Ji outlining Ministry policy with Ye- o The Formative Years (Grades I-VI). xamination indicated The Lake Super | of Education's programming to be in & Published copies for all staff should be available in 4 to 6 weeks. The Director reported on a meeting in Tor- onto on teacherage sales attended by The Lake Superior Board of Education and Ministry per- sonnel. Details of a possible "buy-bgck" plan will be distributed to Trustees for discussion at the March meeting. The Committee of the Whole Board reports: A) The appointment of Mrs. J. Niemi, Lake Sup- erior High School, Shorthand Teacher, I period per day, January 30th to June 20th inclusive. B) The termination of contract by mutual con- sent of Mr. U.P.S. Deol, Marathon High School, effective April Ist, I975. C) The establishment of 1975-76 Staff Quotas. The next regular meeting of the Board will be held Saturday, March 29th, I975, at the Marathon High School at 10:00 a.m. Budget Committee Meeting: Tuesday, March IIth, I975, Marathon High School at 7:00 p.m. CARNIVAL YOUTH DANCE MARCH 8TH HIGH SCHOOL 9 PM. - 1 AM. SPONSORED BY TERRACE BAY YOUTH CLUB E LAKE SUPERIOR RD OF EDUCATION HELP WANTED maintenance program will require painting fo be done at several s, i.e. houses and classrooms in r and Terrace Bay. male or female, interested in | or any part of <this work and ng bids at a later date, are to contact our Maintenance Co- r for details. an Hodgkiss at 825-3608 or write Box 580, Terrace Bay. equired will be supplied by the Tools and other equipment to be d by the bidder. THE LAKE SUPERIOR BOARD OF EDUCATION Residents of the Schreiber - Terrace Bay area are invited to submit their named if they are interested in performing work that will arise relative to our 1975 maintenance program on Schools and Board Houses. Tradespeople, male or female, will be required in the following categories. Plumbers Electricians Carpenters Furnace and Burner Service Refrigeration Tile and Carpet Laying Sign. Painting Landscaping To be listed for future contact, as work in the above categories is scheduled, please contact our Maintenance Co-Ordinator - Stan Hodgkiss - phone 825-3608 or write P.0. Box 580, Terrace Bay.