PAGE I2 TERRACE BAY NEWS MARCH 5, 1975 20 YEAR OLD PICTURES ; NEWS-REPORTER FOR TERRACE BAY The Terrace Bay is more than pleased to i announce that Mrs. Pam Jones of Terrace Bay H has accepted the position of News-Reporter for Ken Roenspies and John Hunchuck - the cap- |the Terrace Bay and Times News papers. 'tion reads "Curly Hales Ditch Digger". In a continuing series of pictures which were given to Mrs. Pam Jones - We are sure Mrs. Jones will be a delightful addition to our staff and we ask any organiza- tion or community groups to contact her for any news coverage. ' We would like the public to also note the charge for pictures of 60¢ for indoor and 35¢ for outdoor is still in effect and we ask to be given at least one days notice for cover- age of local activities. Please help us give the best possible cover- | age of all community events -- call the News ; Office or Mrs. Jones. NEW BANK MANAGER FOR BANK OF MONTREAL The Bank of Montreal Branch in Schreiber is to have a new manager, William N. Humble, who is being transferred from the bank's branch at Moosomin, Sask. i The appointments have been announced by Ron ¥ : Mackie of Winnipeg, senior vice-president in: Intake - Lake Superior Pump House charge of the Manitoba-Saskatchewan Division, which also includes Northwestern Ontario. Mr. Humble replaces D.G. Walton. He has 7 been with the Bank of Montreal since July, 1960. BROWNIES HOLD ENROLLMENT CEREMONY Schreiber Brownie Packs I and 2 held an en-- rollment ceremony, attended by many parents and | friends, in Holy Angels School auditorium when the following new members were initiated: F Pack 1 - Nadia Francceshini, Susan Imbeault, Carrie and Candice Campbell, Brenda Spezaile, Lisa Lengyel, Leslie Moore, Shannon Riley and Laura Cebrario; Pack 2 - Tammy Walton, Sandra Phillips and & Elizabeth Zborowski. 3 During the evening Ruth Ann Birch and Dianne Figliomeni received their tenderfoot leader pin A pantomine 'This is the Pack that We Built' was cleverly done by the Brownies, followed by the parents joining the girls in a song and da -ce routine. Following the photo that was printed in the Terrace Bay News 2 weeks ago about the first There was an interesting display of the var= garbage truck, one of the original residents ious badges to be won in Brownie work, and two asked if anyone remembered 'Sam the Garbage girls gave a puppet show. This being the Thin Man' who collected garbage with 2 horses and al_jng pay annual celebration the sixers from ea sleigh in the winter time. Sam vas 8 kind man |. pack presented the pennies gathered, to who loved the little children, and if the coll |peaders, June Sisson and Marcie Cebrario. A --ection days weren't busy he would give all of |i thday cake centered the tea table and the them a ride on the sleigh, garbage and all. parents were served by the sixers. i