5, 1975 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 3 TERRACE BAY NEWS PUBLISHERS FRANCIS & DEBORAH HELMINK EVERY WEDNESDAY at the News Print- , Post Office Building, Terrace Bay URS ~.2 a.m. .to. 5 p.m. MON. --- FRI. DDRESS - Box 579, PHONE 825-3747 - for all advertisements and news is NOON Monday of each week. ION RATES: $5.00 per year (local) $6.00 per year (out-of-town) ass mail Registration Number 0867. y benefit which would then make you for free drugs if your application 2d. 4 one year for an employer. I am ad- t week that my services were no long- ed. Was my employer obligated to otice? on the length of service with an em- otice in writing is required or pay- ieu. 5 en renting an apartment without a pay by the month. My landlord has until the end of the month to evacu- she do this? Landlord & Tenant Act your landlord you a clear month's notice that you equired to vacate the premises. As y the month a month's notice, prefer- riting is required. If your rent was weekly basis, only one week's notice required. ) 6 dlord evict a tenant in the winter nothing in the Landlord & Tenant Act vents a landlord from evicting ten- he winter. LEGION BOWLING LEAGUE to January 3lst: iment 51; Corvettes 49; Spitfires 46; ighlanders 47; Bombardiers 41. vler for the night was A. Daley with 204, 273, 231 for a 708 triple. 200 games: ~- 204, 2I6; B. Comeau 205; J. Fisher clanoff 2I8; E. Beddard 205; J. St. Louis 238, 227 (640); S. Gusul 201; D. Cou- pal 2I0, 251 (646). All bowlers are requested to remove out- side boots as soon as you enter the alleys. We have had water on the alleys the past two weeks. It is not only dangerous but makes it almost impossible to slide. The problem can be eliminated if we app- roach the alleys from the centre aisle, and avoid going out in the halls with bowling shoes on. Your co-operation would be appre- ciated. STORK CLUB Born to Mr. and Mrs. Tony Costa of Terrace Bay, a boy on January 28th, I975. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Cosmo Alfarano of Schreiber, a girl on February 3rd, I975. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. H.J. Coe wishes to announce the engagement of his daughter Janice L. Coe og Toronto to Dn. Donald H. Parks, son of Mr. and Mus. Stuart Parks of Newmarket, Ontario. STRAND THEATRE TERRACE BAY - ONTARIO - TELEPHONE 825-3771 FRIDAY&SATURDAY 7 & 9 P.M. SUNDAY 8:30 P.M. SUTHERLAND & GOULD CLA.as . pa sat. 8 SsP:¥:8 ¥i¥. | with Z0UZOU Your blood will Sinan, : CAPTARL FrANKENSTRIN son. 9 Mon. 10 Fim yim) wwrermenn = (I | sro = - tell wea l2 PETER BOYLE - PAULA PRENTISS FRED WILLIAMSON asa sung ELI WALLACH