| a MARCH I3, I974 : TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 3 TERRACE BAY NEWS PUBLISHERS FRANCIS & DEBORAH HELMINK PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY at the News Print--- ing Plant, Post Office Building, Terrace Bay OFFICE HOURS - 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mon.-Fri. DEADLINE - for all advertisements and news material is NOON Monday for publication in that week's issue. SUBSCRIPTION RATE: $4.00 per year (local) $5.00 per year (out-of-town) Second class mail Registration Number 0867. O.P«P. WILL RECRUIT POLICEWOMEN Commissioner H.H. Graham announces that the O.P.P. will embark immediately upon a compre- hensive program to recruit, train and employ policewomen. "The present changing social climate clearly indicates that women have a definite role within the Ontario Provincial Police Service", Commissioner Graham says. The employment of women in the role of highway patrol or general law enforcement by a force as widely deployed as the 0.P.P., is a depart- «5 LET BLOCK & SOLVE THE JC MYSTERY OF a\_=THIS YEAR'S INCOME TAX The yearly tax changes hold no mystery for our Tax detectives. Our sery- ice is fast, accurate and : dependable . . . the cost COMPLETE is low. Save yourself need- RETURNS less, time and worry. See BLOCK today. It's a good up place to place your con- fidence. GUARANTEE If we make any error in the preparation of your tax return that costs you any terest or penalty on additional taxes due, while we do not assume the liability for the additional taxes, we will pay that interest and penalty. [ASRRBLOGCIK nv. MAIN AND GALENA STREET SCHREIBER OPEN 1 P.M. to 9 P.M. PHONE 824-2075 NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY ure from established patterns. . Ontario Provincial Policewomen will perform the same type of function as their male count- erparts. They will have the same authority. Most of the qualifications demanded of a female recruit will be similar to the present standards applied to a male recruit--Canadian citizen or British Subject; age 2I-35; good health; character; Grade I2 education. The main difference will be in the minimum height demanded -- 5'4" (without shoes), and the minimum weight--IIO0 lbs. Their salary and benefits will conform ex- actly to those rates applicable to male mem- bers of the force. They will receive initial training with a regular recruit class at the O.P.P. training and development centre. This will include emphasis on self-defence. After gaining practical field experience they will attend the Ontario Police College at Aylmer for two additional six-week training periods. Again they will be part of a normal recruit class working with policemen and poli- cewomen from various forces throughout the province. The O0.P.P., after 65 years of totally male membership, welcomes the opportunity to accept women into the mainstream of the force. It is expected they will be given the assistance and respect which is currently given to the male members of the force. Any person who is interested in finding a career within the structure of the 0.P.P. is asked to contact her nearest O.P.P. Detach- ment or the Ontario Provincial Police, Career Management Branch, 8 York Street, 4th Floor, Toronto, Ontario, Telephone 965-4468. Fred R. Blucher, Chief Inspector, Director, Safety & Information Branch. Thin Strip Copper can be rolled into sheets less than 1/500th of an inch thick. LORNE"S CAMERAS FISHING PACRLE 20 SOUTH COURT STREET (next to the Paramount Theatre) THUNDER BAY 'P', ONTARIO TELEPHONE 344-0413