TERRACE BAY NEWS Jf Vol. 15 No. 40 October 4, 1972 15¢ Per Copy COUNCIL QUOTES Terrace Bay Town Council met in regular session on Tuesday evening with Reeve Cavanaugh presiding and Councillors Bray, Sinotte and Kennedy present. Minutes were adopted as read. Correspondence included a letter from the Recrea- tion Committee advising Council that Wayne Baxter had satisfactorily completed his probationary period as caretaker at the Recreation Centre, and suggested he be put on a permanent staff. Council agreed to this. The Recreation Committee submitted a suggestion that a replacement on the Recreation Committee be found for Mrs. A. Pattison, who has moved away, and that the successful applicant be asked to serve a two year term, beginning with 1973. The Liquor Control Board of Ontario, local outlet, requested permission fo erect an illuminated sign on the boulevard in front of the store. Council suggest- ed that a sign erected through the canopy might be used to better advantage. A letter from Ontario Hydro requested Council to again co-operate financially in presenting the Pro- gram "Reach for the Top" over CKPR-TV. Council agreed providing the other utilities will participate. Kimberly-Clark of Canada, local office, sent a letter suggesting the names of Mr. G.L. Puttock and Mr. K. Eaton for the Advisory Planning Committee which is presently being formed. Council will meet to form ferms of reference for the Planning Committee . A letter was sent to Mr. J. Hamer, Ontario Hydro requesting a pole to be installed for lighting purposes, at the intersection of Highway 17 and Fort Garry Road, where the new Legion Hall is being built. cont'd page 2 LOCAL N.D.P.'Ss MEET CANDIDATE A get-together was held at Jack Stokes' residence in Schreiber on September 25th at 8 p.m. Thunder Bay N.D.P. Riding Association members from Rossport, Schreiber and Terrace Bay convened to meet lke Mutch and to organize the canvassing and financing of the campaign. lke was gratified at the turnout and the financial response to the campaign by the members present at the meeting. Ike regaled us with some of the interesting exper- iences he has had on the long campaign trail and show ed a lot of enthusiasm for the remaining weeks, the travels he will make and the people he will be seeing before the voters go to the poles. lke finds that he is coming into contact with people in ever-increasing numbers who are deeply concerned about the complete lack of co-operation and co-or- dination between Canada Manpower and the Unem- ployment Insurance Commission. Other issues important to the people in the riding and to | ke Mutch are the high freight rates, the « astronomical rise in the cost of living, the resulting plight of the old age pensioners, the heights to which unemployment has soared and the ubiquitous corporate bums with their tax deferments and write-offs. lke has pledged himself to work on these issues and their solution. Ike is pleased with the support he has received thus far and is confident it will increase with each passing day. Publicity.