PAGE 10 TERRACE BAY NEWS SEPTEMBER 20, 1972 PENNY AUCTION CONFEDERATION COLLEGE OCTOBER 22nd The regular meeting of St. Martin of Tours Catholic Women's League was held in the Church Hall on Sunday, Sept. 10 at 8:30 p.m. A Decade of the Rosary was recited in the church prior to the meeting. The president, Mrs. G. Ramsey opened the meet- ing with a few words of welcome followed by the League Prayers. Mrs. R. Fournier read a passage from the Jerusalem Bible and Mrs. P. Malashewski read the minutes of the last meeting and new correspondence . Helmink gave the treasurer's report and the various Committee Chairmen gave their reports. Mrs. L. McBride, Organization reported that she had ninety paid up members in the League. Technology Division Teaching Careers Electrical Instructor: Should have several years of experience in electrical design and/or electrical maintenance. Preference will be given to those candidates who can also teach related subjects. Part-time Instructor: To teach basic electronics and basic electrical circuits, in outlying areas, fo journeyman electricians employed in industry. Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience. Interested candidates should submit a comprehensive resume including references fo: The Personnel Officer, Confederation College of Applied Arts and Technology, P.O. Box 398, THUNDER BAY "F", Ontario. Applications should be submitted no later than September 18th. Mrs. F. a Nutritionist. O Canada were sung. The meeting was adjourned by Mrs. after which Holy God We Praise They Name and A Social Hour followed wit J. Falzetta h members of the Mrs. M. Chepelsky, Social Economic and Civic Life reported that for the October meeting a Nutri- Executive serving the lunch. Honist - Miss Barbara Lalonde of Thunder Bay would be the guest speaker. Mrs. J. Kennedy, Christian Family Life, reported that we would be receiving the name of the African Missionary which the League will sponsor shortly. Mrs. J. Falzetta, Social Action, reported on the voting procedure this year and urged all who are Please come out and support the New Lake Superior High School Hockey Team. Admission $1.00 for 1st § | eligible fo be on the list and read the brochure sent out. Mrs. A. Regis, Church Life, read a thoughtful poem entitled "A Little Courage". : Mrs. R. Gerlach, Communications and Public Re- la tions, reported that plans for the Penny Auction to be held October 22nd were being worked out and members would be contacted for ticket sales and don- ations. Mrs. Ramsey stated that minor changes were made in the League Policies and that Mrs. H. Landry would replace Mrs. R. Sinotte as the new Kitchen Convener. Mrs. Melnyk and Mrs. Caccamo were presented with the League Cup and Saucer prior fo leaving Terrace Bay. Ladies of the Community Church will be invited to the October meeting when the guest speaker will be card. 20-GAMES FOR $5.00 PRIZES - JACKPOTS NOTICE TO CREDITORS of the Estate of MARY ETHELYND PHILLIPS, of Schreiber | Housewife, who died on or about the 11th day of April, 1972 | Take notice that all persons having claims against | this Estate are required fo send to the undernamed their names and particulars of their claims on or be- fore the 4th day of October 1972, after which iota the Estate will be distributed having regard only to the claim of which the Executor then has notice. PIERRE-MICHEL DUBE 1-6 Whitman Court P.O. Box 789 Marathon, Ontario -- ies aie ct