MARCH 2, 1972 TERRACE BAY NEWS rn PAGE 19 CLASSIFIED ADS - CARDS OF THANKS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS - Minimum Gharge - 75¢ (25 words and under) CASH IN ADVANCE, (1.00)4if charged). 3¢ per word after 25. FOR SALE: I972 30 HP Evinrude, 3 months old. In good condi- tion. Can be seen at 264 Kenogami Rd, after 5 PM, FOR SALE: Four puppies, $25.00 seach, Ph: 825-3395. 10% OFF WALL-TO~-WALL CARPETING, also aree rugs in 100% Nylon, shags and herd twists, Insulation on all. Phone Richardson's Interior 824-2530 CARD OF THANKS: I wish to thenk my femily, relatives, friends for flowers, gifts, cards sent to me while in the Port Arthur General Hospital, also for the many visits and baking sent since returning home. Chris Morris CARD OF THANKS: I would like to extend my sincese thanks for the cards end those who visited me during my stay in the hospital. Lora MacDoneld CARD OF THANKS: We would like to thank all who were so kind on the passing of our dear mother Mrs, Leah Telit, for memor- ial cards, floral tributes and sympathy cards. Your kindness will always be remembered. Marg & Henry Duriez and Tait Family. CARD OF THANKS: ly sincere thanks to Dr, McCausland, nurses and steff of McCausland Hospitel, and friends and relatives for their nice visits, gifts and cards during my illness. Your kindness will always he remembered. George Duncan OPEN HOUSE: An OPEN HOUSE for retirment at the home of C, Barker, 4 Pine Crescent. from 2 - 5 PM, Saturday, March Lth, WANTED TO BUY: Ski-boots Size 2-3 snd size 7-8. Good Condi- tion Ph: 825-3860 after 5 PM, HELP WAN{ED: Schreiber Hotel, Female help wanted, Middle aged woman to look after smell modern home, Two adults only. Wife semi-invalid, Hours 9-6 PM Ph: 824-2112 or 824-2889. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Gordon M. Dodge ~~ GENERAL INSURANCE a AUTOMOBILE-FIRE-CASUALTY-LIABILITY 179 HUDSON DRIVE Donald Beno INSURANCE AGENT 1568 sew 63,767 properties damaged by fire in Ganada FIRE IS SO FINAL PHONE: 824-2666 SCHREIBER, ONTARIO i. .m. dodick OPTOMETRIST me A AVENUE SUPPORT ? ncroms avews | YOUR LOCAL RED CROSS The millions of microscopic cells in Western Red Cedar retard heat transmission. Three inches of cedar has insulating quali- ties equal to 21 inches of mas- onry. Nine out of ten homes in this country are of wood frame construction. Some of the oldest existing buildings in Canada are of this type. best buy! our The home handyman should re- member to pile his lumber at least six inches above the ground and protect it with a waterproof cover. When laying Western Red Ce- dar shingles or shakes, mark the handle of your hammer for a fast accurate measurement of the shingle exposure. A Sound Foundation' DRY CLEANING - Hours = 1 fo 4 p.m. Mon. thru Sat. - 8 LB. LOAD - $3.00 MAYTAG WASHERS - 35¢ PER LOAD LOADSTAR STEAM DRYERS ~- 10¢ for 10 minutes SUPERIOR COIN LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANING REAR OF SHOPPING PLAZA - TERRACE BAY - PHONE 825-9787