PAGE 14 TERRACE BAY NEWS JANUARY 20, 1972 HOSPITAL BOARD APPOINTS P.R. COMMITTEE At their November meeting, the following Board Members were appointed to serve on the Public Relations Committee: Mrs. Dorothy Rummery, Mrs. Rena McAdam, Mrs. Pat Buck, Don Beno, Dr.A.B. Adey and Thor Olsen. One of the functions of this committee is to in- form the citizens ot Terrace Bay, Schreiber and Rossport of the activities of The McCausland Hospital and to encourage people of the area to be come interested in hospital atfairs. We believe that the efficient operation ot the hospital is of vital concern to everyone in each community. The Board of Governors is planning to hold ifs First Annual Meeting on March 15, 1972. At this meeting, the people of Terrace Bay, Schreiber and Rossport who are Hospital Members will have an opportunity to elect a new Board of Governors fo act on their behalf. We urge you to watch for further bulletins in the Terrace Bay News regarding these matters. SKI CLUB NEWS It certainly looks like our "think snow" policy has paid off as tons ot the flutfy white stuff was deposited on the hill over the weekend! (pause until yodelling subsides). We'll be going wide open now for the rest of the season! Night skiing will be in full swing Wednesday and Friday nights 7:30 to 10:00 p.m. starting this week. Come out and ski under the stars = its beautitul! Ski instruction classes start this Saturday 10 a.m. January 22nd and will run tor six weeks. Lessons are for members only of all ages and are free. This year there will be no "advanced" class on Sunday afternoon. A knowledgable group of instructors has been assembled so it you want to improve your technique start this Saturday morning. Also this Saturday at 11 a.m. the first event in the Ski Race League will be run. This league will run for six weeks and will consist of slalom and downhill racing tor members ot all ages. There is no entry deadline for these events but plan now to attend as many events as possible fo build up your points tor the race league championship! Plans are underway tor participation by the Ski Club in the Terrace Bay Winter Carnival. Miss Terrace Bay Ski Club, Celine Landry, has been chosen to represent us in the Carnival Queen con- test. (see elsewhere in this issue). Also we plan to build a float for the parade, run various ski, events at the hill, and, the grand finale of the Carnival - a torchlight parade! MOON-ROCHON VOWS EXCHANGED St. Martin of Tours was the setting for the Christmas season wedding of Denise Rochon end Bill lioon, Jr. on December 29th, at U4 p.m. Father A. Greengrass officiated. Denise is the deughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rochon, and Bill is the son of Mr, and Mrs. W. Moon, Sr. all of Terrace Beye. Cathy Melnyk was at the organ, Rochon and Patrick Pineault, The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a floor length white velvet gown with hood attached, The hood and front of the gown were enhanced by silver trim, and she wore white accessories. She carried a cascade bouquet of red poingettias and green holly. The Maid of Honour, Joanne Stevens, wore ruby red velvet, floor length, and hooded, fashiored similarly to the bride's gown, and she carried s single white poinsettia . The bride's four sisters were bridesmaids, all wearing gowns similar to the bride's complete with hoods, with Michelle and Elizabeth in ruby red velvet, Aline and Marie in holly green velvet. Tach bridesmaid carried a single white poinsettia, Cary Fraser was the best man, and John lfurrey of Thunder Ray and Paul 'oon ushered. For a reception dinner neld in the Church hall, and later reception and dance in the loose Hall, !rs. Rochon wore 8 beige A line dress, flecked with gold, and black accessories and a mauve orchid corsage. Mrs. Moon also received, wearing a floor length turquoise crimplene, with silver accessories and a white orchid corsege. The Bride's uncle, Harvey Tuertin, of Kapuskasing, gave the tosst to the bride. David Rochon circulated the guest book, and Marie and Elizabeth Rochor. served the wedding cake, The dining room hostess was ls. C. Dakin, aunt of the bride. Till Megraw was laster of Ceremonies. Derise was entertained at s bridal shower in St. Vartin's Church hall, hostesses Irs. Ce fakin and Irs. P. Stuart. ifter returning from a honeymoon in Thunder Bay, "he couple took up residence at 206 Yenogami Road. Cut of town guests included lir, and Irs. Winslow, St. Cetharines; Ir. erd Irs, 1H, uertin, Vapuskesing; IT. and Mrs. C. Davis, Hurkett; John Murrey, Thunder Bay. Alter boys were Joseph CANDIDATE FOR CARNIVAL QUEEN Miss Diane Thorpe is sponsored by the Royal Canadian Legion Auxiliary for Carnival Queen, February 10- 11-12-13. Diane is 16 and in Grade Ten at the Terrace Bay High School .