JANUARY 6, 1972 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 3 Al TERRACE BAY news Jf | Published every Thursday at the News Printing Plant, Post Office Building, Terrace Bay, Ontario. Phone 825-3747, Deadline for sdvertisements end news meterial is NOON MONDAY. Classified Ads - Cards of Thanks and Announcements - Minimum charge - 75¢ (25 words and under). CASH IN ADVANCE, (I.00) if charged, 3¢ per word after 25. Subsoription Rate - $4.00 per year. (in town) $5.00 per year. (out of town) Second class mail. Registration number - 0867. Return postege gusranteed. PUBLISHER AND EDITOR - EGON NIELSEN, Legion Installation - cont'd from page I sececes Front row, left to right, - P. Coupal, D, Gunter, J, Beddard, Beck row, P, Jones, VW, Kujbida, C. Koski, C. Mercier and G, Churney. Front row, left to right, B, St. Louis, J. Gunter, A, Churney, Back row, D. Coupal, R, Thorpe, J. Mercier, A, Daley, J. Megraw and D. Ballentine. Crrrare Bay News Box 579 TERRACE BAY, ONTARIO RINTING For a Very Personal Touch... Create a one-of-a- kind impression with monogrammed or per- sonalized stationery. We print according to your specifications on quality paper. It's a great gift idea, too! Informals, Formals EASTERN STAR HOLDS CHRIST=- MAS PARTY Ld A short business meeting of Silver Birch Chapter, 0.E.S., Terrace Bay, presid- ed over by Worthy Patron Albert Farrow, preceded a lively and well attended Christmas Party. Minutes of the last meet- ing and special meeting held on Nov, 29th were read. The latter meeting was held to confer degrees of the order on a new member, Communicetions were read, including greetings from Grand Lodge, and acknowledg- ments of donations sent by the Chapter to various or- ganizations, The Charter was draped ir memory of Brother Rev, George Crawley, who died recently in his Edmonton home, Christmas party convener Sendre Quinton introduced the method of gift exchange which proved to be an en- Joyeble event, Harry Coe was in charge of the wine and cheese teble, and while not consistently accurate with his epecurean advice, performed his duties very creditably, A sing song of Christmas music with Mrs. A. Bryson at the piano, provided cont?d page L ecece Left to right, A, Churney, J. Gunter, D., Gunter and G. Churney. Presidents and Ist Vice Presidents of the Legion and the Auxiliary. continued page y sescee I ------------------