PAGE 16 TERRACE BAY NEWS OCTOBER 14, 1971 District News = cont'd from page 15 number were present to form a quorum, andso business could be conducted according to demo- cratic guidelines. The object of the meeting was the election of new officers to the executive with the exception of the post of president as this position is auto- matically filled by the previous vice-president. He is generally elected from a different school each year in order fo insure a fair distribution. The president for the past year, Jack Hornick of Manitouwadge, stepped down, and the former vice-president, Doug Roberts of Terrace Bay Campus was duly installed. Alex Gouthro accepted the position of vice-president. Various other executive offices were filled, and the constitution was amend- ed during the course of the evening. HOME & SCHOOL MEMBERS ELECTED YOU WIN WITH THE NEW DEMOCRATS On October 21st, a vote for Jack Stokes means a continued strong voice for Thunder Bay Riding. Be sure your ballot is marked Jack Stokes X. HELP WANTED Holy Angels School, Schreiber, requires one cleaning lady three hours per day, five days per week. Please send applications to Mrs. G. Mullins, Box 98, Schreiber. Further information may be obtained by con- tacting J. Power, Schreiber, Ontario. MONSTER PENNY AUCTION St. Berchman's Altar Society is holding a Monster Penny Auction in Rossport Community Hall, Sunday evening, October 17th at 8 o'clock. Door prize. INMEMORIAM CARDS AVAILABLE The Terrace Bay Cancer Society, Branch 50 held their Annual Meeting on Tuesday, October 5th, at the home of Mrs. R. Wills. The residents of Terrace Bay are to be congra- tulated and thanked for their support during the past year with donations to the Cancer Campaign and through the purchase of Inmemoriam Caids Inmemoriam cards are avilable from Mrs. Lil Harris, Mrs. Dorothy Rafalant and Mrs. Mary Hale The first regular meeting of the Schreiber Elem- entary Home and School Association for the fall term was held on Thursday, October 7th at 8 p.m. preceded by the usual parent-teacher interviews. Mrs. G. Fischer presided for the meeting and the minutes of the June meeting as read by the Secre- tary Mrs. H. Jartus, were approved. Mr. Robert Grant, Treasurer, reported that all accounts were paid up to date and his report was approved as read. . Mrs. Fischer welcomed Mr. R. Cressman back as Principal, and he introduced the staff for the ensuing year. Miss Wendy McEwen offered to take the Mem- bership Convener's office for the year 1971-72. Membership dues remain at $1.00 per person. Mr. Tom Quinton reported on the student elec- tive programme which will commence in about two weeks, and could use some volunteers. Mr. R. Grant presided for the election of officers for the ensuing year: As it was not poss- ible fo elect a President yet, the present executive were asked to act as a nominating committee and attempt to obtain a President for the next meeting. The following members were lected: Vice-Pres; Robert Grant; Secretary: Mrs. Bonnie Dye; Treas- urer: Mrs. Shirley Brown; Auditors: Mr. R. Cress- man and Mrs. Althea Graham; Standing Committees Grievance: Mrs. C. Wilde; Social: Mrs. P. Doig; Agenda: Miss Janis Brown. : Mr. E. Prinselaar and Mr. G. Saumur were thanked, in absentia, for their assistance to the executive during the past year, also in assisting the programme committee fo plan interesting and informative meetings during the past year. The next regular meeting will be held on Thurs- day, November 4th at 8 p.m. with the usual parent-teacher interviews. Please note that com- mencing in December, the Home and School meet- ings will be held on the Second Thursday of the month at the usual time. Following the meeting, Mrs. E. Glad and Mrs. G. Fischer served coffee. The Mountain Avens is the floral emblem of the Northwest Territories.