PAGE 14 TERRACE BAY NEWS OCTOBER 14, 1971 ; Field Trip - cont'd from page 13 meters, was also studied closely by group members who examined different types of grass, weeds and other growth found there. This group also collected any insects they happened upon. Various live specimens were brought back to the school to be studied, including grasshoppers, snails, slugs and other small insects. The trip was con- sidered a hugh success by all the students who par- ticipated in it. BASKETBALL CLINIC On October 1, 2, and 3, a basketball clinic was held at the Schreiber and Terrace Bay Campuses of the Schreiber-Terrace Bay High School, under the direction of Coach Lockhart from Lakehead Univer- sity. Coach Lockhart was accompanied by a mem- ber of the physical education staff and three players on the Nor'Westers Basketball team. The clinic began on Friday evening at both campuses af 7:00 p.m. with demonstrations on shooting and defense. On Saturday, events includ- ed dribbling and ball handling, passing, exercise and rebounding, shotting and defense as well. A number of films were also shown which added to the success of the clinic. On Sunday afternoon, the clinic was climzed by a game between the Schreiber and Terrace Bay campuses. The scores for the boys' and girls' games were combined and the final result was 71 to 39 for Schreiber Campus. Seventy students were in attendance at the clinic, and included enthusiasts from Wawa, Nipigon-Red Rock, Marathon and Geraldton, as well as Schreiber and Terrace Bay. Everyone in attendance at the clinic enjoyed himself, and was able to profit from the excellent instruction afforded by the Lakehead University staff. SCHREIBER TEACHERS HOLD GET-TO-GETHER On Saturday evening, October 2, teachers from the three Schreiber Schools = Schreiber Public School, Holy Angels Separate School, and the Schreiber Campus High School, local take Super- ior Board of Education members, spouses and guests met at the Parish Center for their first combined event of the school year. There was a large turn out to enjoy the music of the "Midnight Hour" dance band, spirited con=- versation and a delicious mid-night buffet which was provided by staff members from each of the schools. The arrangements for the successful evening were under the direction of Mr. H. Shack (Holy Angels) Mr. T. Quinton (S.P.S.), and Mr. R. Pokorny (Schreiber Campus). TEACHERS OF THE WEEK - Mr. L. Fraser was born in Fredericton, New Brunswick where he graduated from Fredericton High School. In 1950 he graduated with a B.A. degree from the University of Toronto where he majored in history. He then accepted a position with the Swift Canadian Co. Ltd. with whom he was employed for 15 years before he entered the teaching profession. Before moving to Schreiber Mr. Fraser taught at Kirkland Lake Collegiate and Vocational In- stitute. He is presently the head of the Commer- cial Department at Schreiber Campus where he teaches accounting, marketing, law and typewrit- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Fraser have a son, Laurie, who is attending Lakehead University and is majoring in education, and a daughter, Linda, who is in Year 3 at Schreiber Campus. Mr. Fraser finds that teaching in Schreiber is an interesting contrast to his previous school. He says that "the atmosphere is much more personal, and the opportunity to provide additional help to students is more evident". Mr. Fraser is a member of the Canadian Legion, and both Mr. and Mrs. Fraser are interested in curling and bowling. They are looking forward with interest to their stay in Schreiber, and it is hoped that they will find it pleasant.