PAGE 10 TERRACE BAY NEWS OCTOBER 14,1971 C .W.L. Meeting - cont'd from page 9 ..... A brief but informative talk on the uses of Med- ical-Alert bracelets was delivered by Mrs. Chepel- sky. Mrs. Falzetta then urged all the ladies to vote on the up-coming election day, October 21st. A report was given by Mrs. Pytyck on the Graduation banquet held for the Grade eight pupils of St. Martin's School. Mrs. Churney requested that all ladies save their Canada Packer Labels and turn them in fo her. Parishioners are requested to have new articles ready for the Penny Auction to be held on October 24th at 1:30 p.m. at the Church Hall. These articles will be collected between the 20th and 22nd of October. There will also be an apron and sew table. Tickets are now on sale for the door "prize, a Kodak Instamatic camera. The Regional Meeting of the C.W.L. will be held in Church Hall, October 26th at 8 p.m. News pertaining to League affairs will be discussed. The Holy Angels and Holy Savior councils have been invited. All members are asked to attend and make the meeting a success. : Remembrance Day Services will be held af the cenotaph on November 13th. Mrs. Chepelsky will place a wreath on behalf of the League and a mass will be requested for the deceased veterans. "Holy God We Praise Thy Name" and "O Canada" were sung af the close of the meeting. Lunch was served by Mrs. Chepelsky and committee. LETTER TO TERRACE BAY NEWS For ten years | have endeavoured by every means possible to avoid pedestrian traffic especially kids on walk adjacent to motel bedrooms. | am happy to state that the adult response has been sympathetic and trouble free. | regret, how- ever, that | cannot say the same for the kids. | live and have lived with the constant fear that someone is going to get hurt. Kids playing on the outside stairs and hanging from the second floor deck are a common occurence and always a threat of a serious accident. We have tried in many ways to discourage their behaviour, but kids are kids, and one can only expect so much. Last week we had an accident which involved "an eight year old girl crashing through the glass hall door leading to the service station washrooms. The glass in the door is 1/4" plate-glass with a heavy rubber bumper strip completely insulating the glass with a heavy rubber bumper strip completely insul- ating the glass on all sides, so you can imagine how severe a blow was necessary to break this glass, es- pecially by. an eight year old. BT The point | would like to bring out is that this child had no business being anywhere near the service station entrance, let alone using it. The manner she went through the door indicates that she was carelessly running down the hall. My ser- vice station attendant claims that this girl and an- other of the same age were "fooling around" this entrance. Fortunately this girl got away with min- or superficial injuries; but could have so easily been killed. When | called the parents they ad- mitted that they knew my attitude and concern over kids traffic but brushed the incident off by saying that an eight year old kid is not responsible and therefore they felt no responsibility. : If | thought for a moment that their attitude is prevelant among parents, | certainly would not waste my time writing this letter. instead | am concious of my responsibility to acquaint the par- ents with this mishap, with the hope that they will assist me in my efforts to prevent any repetition. About eight years ago | made an issue with the town over this bothersome and dangerous traffic. They responded by installing a walk between the Post Office and Liquor Store, which is actually a shorter way to the homes on the south west side of the highway. | know that in the past | received a certain amount of criticism because of my persistent attitude and efforts towards the prevention of accidents on our premises. | hope that everyone especially parents now realize the importance and justification of my efforts. - Signed, Joe Adamo. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY MEN OR WOMEN FULL OR PART TIME Turn your spare time into cash. Own your own vending route in your area. No selling, all routes will be esteblished, High quality coin operated vending machines. To qualify, you must be honest, have a good car, refer- ences, good credit and be able to spend 7-12 hours weekly. Small down payment will get you started in business, and terms can be arranged. For personal interview reply, in- clude phone number, to: B.V. Distributors Limited, Dept. "C", 1163 Tecumseh Road, Easi, WINDSOR 20, Ontario.