PAGE 2 TERRACE BAY NEWS JULY 28, 1971 Goto the CURRY ofyourefoiee. TERRACE BAY ST. MARTIN'S CHURCH - Rev, A, Greengrass SUNDAY MASS - 8,30, I0.30 A.M. SATURDAY MASS = 7,00 P.M, = CONFESSIONS - 6,I5 to 6.45 and after evening Mass on Saturday COMMUNITY CHURCH- Rev, P., McKague MORNING WORSHIP = 10,00 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL - 10,00 ROSSPORT ST BERCHMANYS CHURCH MASS - Every Monday at 7.00 P.M, SCHREIBER ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH - Rev. A.L. Chabot a SEE a SLA EAS ai waste: SUNDAY SERVICE - Ist, and 3rd, Sundey each month at 7.00 P.M, and Communion EVENING PRAYER = 2nd, Uth, and 5th Sunday each month at 7 P.M, SV. ANDREWS UNITED CHURCH - Rev E.C. Prinselasr FORNING WORSHIP - 11,00 A.M. ; CHURCH SCHOOL $.30, I1.00, 7.00 HOLY ANGELS CHURCH = Rev, F,J, Mayer ; DATLY MASS - Monday, Wednesday, Friday -5.I5 P.M. Tuesday, Thursday . - 6.30 P.M. SUNDAY SERVICE « 9,30, II,00 A.M, and = 7,I5 P.M, CONFESSIONS = Saturday -.7.I5-8,00 P.M, and before daily Mass GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. R.L. Bye MID WEEX SERVICE - 7400 PM WEDNESDAY SUNDAY SCHOOL -I0,00 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE -II.00 A.M. EVENING PRAYERS - 7,00 P.M, $4/irown Topics] ka. LADIES GOLF NEWS On July 20th the Aguasabon Golf Club was the scene of a rather unusual Twilight, with winners as follows: = Ist Low Hole = K. Stefurak; Ist High Hole = A. Osmar; 2nd Low Hole = J. Rattray; 2nd High Hole - M. Hanley. The third round of Match Play begins August 2nd, so get those second rounds in by the end of this month ladies, and get your names in for the Open on Sunday, August Ist. Plans are underway for a great day of golf and a meal to top it off. Don't Forget = Aguasabon Ladies "OPEN" - 18 Holes = Sunday, August Ist. Awards Night = cont'd from page 1 Parents and children are asked to keep this night open to attend this event. Awards Night will be held on Thursday, August 12th, at 7:00 p.m. in the High School Auditorium. PLAN TO ATTEND NORTH SHORE SWIM MEET - This annual meet will take place at the Terrace Bay Swim Pool on Saturday, August 14th, at 12:30 p.m. sharp. Communities from the North Shore area will be competing for the annual trophy. Plan to attend this Swim Meet to give our local team the encouragement that they deserve. Admission is free. COMING EVENTS Friday, July 30th = July set of swimming examinations Thursday, August 12th - Awards Night, Terrace Bay High School Auditorium, 7:00 p.m. Saturday, August 14th, = North Shore Swim Meet, Terrace Bay Swim Pool . September 18th - White Elephant Rummage Sale, Royal Canadian Legion Branch 223, Legion Hall. HOME SAFETY TIPS A word of caution from the Ontario Safety League DON'T put hard boiled eggs in a microwave oven. Many of the microwave ovens in cafeterias have signs to this effect, but a girl in a plant lunch room found out the hard way. She put two shelled hard-boiled eggs in the oven for a quick warm-up. continued page 3