PAGE 14 TERRACE BAY NEWS JUNE 23,1971 W.l. MEETING - cont'd from page 13 .... Schreiber was elected president of Thunder Bay North Women's Institute . New books of programs for the local branchare presently being planned and printed by Mrs. Jean Crook. It was decided to send a donation to a needy fam- ily. Lunch was served by Mrs. Mavis Slater's committ- ee. There will be no further meetings until Septem- ber. S. BRYDGES ELECTED " "Sty" Brydges, of Geraldton was elected ds candidate for the Thunder Bay Progressive Conser- vative riding at their convention held in Nipigon on June 13th. ; The decision was made on the first ballot. Other candidates were Lorne Colpitts and Xavier Michon of Thunder Bay and Tom Hughes of Marathon Out of 104 voting delegates, 98 registered. Over 200 attended the meeting, with F.V. Har- ness presiding. A vote of appreciation was given to Toi Seppala. Speaking informally were Don Lenardon, Gordon Crompton, John Erickson and Brian Hermanson, all of Thunder Bay. A strong delegation from the Indian Youth Centre attended to support Mr. Michon. C.W.L. PLAN FUTURE ACTIVITIES Mrs. Rita McGrath presided for the regular meet- ing of the Catholic Women's League on June 13th. Mrs. Clare Power thanked members who had par- ticipated in the Rosary during the month of May. " Mrs. Rita Scott agreed to accept all Catholic periodicals and magazines which will be sent to Missions. : Mrs. McGrath announced the parish library is being disbanded and the books donated to the school library and hospitals. The parish picnic was set for July 18th. Looking ahead, the annual tea and bazaar was planned for Nov. her 6th. The labor day te vities will again be held in the arena. Mrs. Irene Moorey was presented with her past president pin by Mrs. McGrath who thanked her for th: ...k accomplished dyring her year of office. Mrs. Liz Prescott agreed to take the duties of social secretary from Mrs. Gail Welbourne. Mrs. Helen Jartus was the guest speaker, talkihg on safety rule and measures, especially during summer acitivities. Mrs. Kay Stefurak thanked Mrs. Jartus and pre- sented a cup and saucer to her. ROSSPORT TOWN TOPICS Mr. and Mrs. George Boudreau and family of Port Arthur were weekend visitors with the Dave Mushqush family. Mrs. Josephine Gerow of Fort William visited relatives here during the week. Adolph King of Chapleau is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Gerow and renewing acquaintances in the village. Mr. King is a retired commercial fisherman. W. Cherutti of Thunder Bay is visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. Rouble. The Walter Gerows and Nick Bains have returned from a holiday in Winnipeg. Laruie Anne Mushqush is home from McCausland Hospital, Terrace Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sargent of Richmond B.C. are visiting Mrs. Kay Paulmert and renewing acquain- tances here. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Campbell and baby of Thunder Bay were weekend visitors here visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Gerow and baby Robin of Thunder Bay were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mac Hubelit recently. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Fearn and children of Red Rock visited the Felix Legaults this week. Mr. and Mrs. T.F. Seppala were Nipigon visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Skillen of Nipigon are holidaying at their summer camp here. Bill Hubelit of Thunder Bay was a business visito here this week. A very successful Penny Auction was sponsored by the members of St. Berchman's Altar Society, Sunday evening. Mrs. Todesco and Mrs. Felix Legault were in charge of admission, Mrs. Kenney sold tickets on a fall draw, Mesdames Eugene Gerow, Herb Legault, Mac Hubelit and Brian O'Hagan looked after the auction tables. Serving lunch and doing kitchen duty were Mrs. Testori, Joyce and Agnes Mushqush, Max- ine Hubelit and other members. Door prize was won by Mark Lark of Schreiber.