JUNE 16, 1971 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 5 SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAM OUTLINED The evening group of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Community Church held their last meeting be- fore summer recess on Monday evening, with Mrs. .C. Wise presiding. Mrs. Wise opened the meet- ing with a prayer, then Mrs. P. Jones read the minutes and Mrs. Farrow gave the treasurer's te- port. A tentative date was set for the Walk-a-thon, the first Saturday in October. A report on the recent rummage sale was given, which had been very successful . A discussion took place about keys for the Chur- ch being turned in after one's tenure in office, as there are apparently some keys still not accounted for. : A travelling bake sale is still being planned for the fall. The Memorial Organ Fund was discussed and it is hoped that this fund will be added to by dona- tions for other occasions than a Memoriam, such as anniversaries, birthdays and new additions to a family and so on. Mrs. Jones read the correspondence which in- cluded an item about the Senior Citizens Week Committee, to plan some festivities for the week June 20th to 26th. A letter of thanks was read from the Official Church Board for a recent donation. A letter of thank: was received from Reverend G. Husser, a patient in Sunnybrook Hospital for the flowers sent him from the Auxiliary. It was suggested that a Pot Luck Supper start off the fall season. Mrs. Donna Broadhurst, a former member now re-. siding in Toronto, was welcomed as a special guest. The Hymn, "All Things Bright and Beautiful " was sung, with Mrs. Clara Gould at the piano. Mrs. Isobel Ferrier read the Scripture and a worship service. Mrs. G. Soughton introduced Mr. Jerry Dupas, Recreation = Co-ordinator, who was a delightful guest speaker. Mr. Dupas introduced Miss Judy Mclnnes and Miss Claire Belliveau, Playground Sup- ervisor and Swim Pool Manager, respectively. They outlined the plans for the summer recreation program and spoke on the ways in which residents and parents could help to make it a community project. Mrs. M. Lundberg thanked Mr. Dupas and the two continued page 8 TO ATTEND THEIR GUEST SPEAKER n The Students and Staff TERRACE BAY HIGH SCHOOL EXTEND AN INVITATION TO Relatives and Friends GRADUATING EXERCISES Monday, June 21,1971 - 6:30 p.m. Terrace Bay High School Auditorium TEA WILL BE SERVED FOLLOWING THE PROGRAM - MR. W.F. COLBORNE CONSULTANT DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION of