_MAY 5, 1971 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 15 ELECTION OF OFFICERS - Cont'd from page 14 .. Secretary - Jackie Calder, Treasurer - Shirley Opas; Directors = Lee Cormier, Evelyn Cornfield, Mary Chesley, Van Doyle and Jean Marcella. LEGION BCWLING Congratulations to the Corvettes who finished in first place with a total of 105 points, edging out the Irish Regiment who had 101 points. Members on the Corvette team are S. Gusul, W. Fisher, M. Milks, D. Gunter, J. Mercier and L. Swirhun. Mary Milks had the high triple 673, of the final night with games of 207, 199 and 267. There were: several other good games rolled, W. Fisher 219, J. Mercier 200, L. Swirhun 251, Pat Jones 215, B. Pytyck 204, S. Ballentine 224, E. Beddard 200, G. Churney 220, B. McBride 209, V. Fedorak 209, J. Teniuk 211 and J. St.Louis 235. The roll-offs are Friday night May 7th at 6:30 p.m. sharp. All teams will compete in one event, with prizes for the first and second place teams. Each team will bowl 4 games with the Corvettes get- ting the first bye. FOUR BROWNIES EARN GOLDEN HAND BADGE On April 27th, the 1st Terrace Bay Brownie Pack held a ceremony to honour four Brownies who had earned the Golden Hand Badge. The badge repre- sents the passing of many tests in the three years of being a Brownie. : Receiving their badges were Lois Caron, Carol Weberg, Janice Pytyck and also Denise Vienneau who was unable to attend. Present at the ceremony were Mrs. Pytyck, Mrs. Weberg and Mrs. Caron. Each girl spoke a verse describing what they had done in the pack during their three years. Mrs. V. Thompson and Mrs. A. Cadieux who were their Brownie guiders for the first two years, pinned large Golden Hand Badges on Lois, Janice and Denise. Mrs. Moher pinned the Golden Hand on Carol. Tea, fancy breads and cheese were served by Cathy Dakin, Kathryn Land and Maureen Pytyck. Games and songs were enjoyed. Photos by M. Lundberg on Page 16..... Ist photo = Golden Hands = Carol Weberg, Lois Caron, Janice Pytyck, missing Denise Vienneau. 2nd photo = Mrs. A. Cadieux, Mrs. V. Thompson, arol Weber Lois Caron, Janic tyck, missin Garg) lenfeau. ! @ Pypycl, missing Ld ~ GERRY'S MOBILE HOMES ST. ANNE, MANITOBA PHONE 204-422-5205 BOX 116, DISTRIBUTORS FOR - SKYLINE & RITZ CRAFT Skyline Models special $6200. $7200.. $7900. 50 x 12 Reg. $7800. 60 x 12 Reg. $8500. SPECIAL 60 x 12 Reg. $9500. Style Craft 60 x 12 SPECIAL $7200. Reg. $8700. SPECIAL Ventures Series SPECIAL $91 00. 60 x 12 Reg .$11200. Double Unit Starts rom $12,500. 24 x 52 THESE PRICES DELIVERED, INCLUDE ALL FURNITURE, CARPETS, LARGE FURNACES, EXTRA INSULATION AND LARGE FRAMES. WE PROVIDE BANK FINANCING WITH LOW DOWN PAYMENT LOOKING FOR REPRESENTATIVE IN THE TERRACE BAY AREA. | a