PAGE 12 TERRACE BAY NEWS APRIL 8, 1971 LETTER TO THE EDITOR: In reference to the letter to the Editor, of February 25th, by Mr. G. Weghorn, I would like to restate the following points, as he seems to have missed them in my first letter. For those of your readers who missed the original letters, the discussion was conaerning the plans of the District Home for The Aged Board, to add on to the present Home for the Aged, in Thunder Bay, rather than building further homes for the Aged in the outlying district. The first point I would like to make is that I'm not half as concerned in what small community the next home for the aged is built as I am, that it not be built in Thunder Bay. Personally I would think thet the ideal situation would be to have small twenty-five bed Homes for the Aged, in each community, including Marathon, Terrace Bay, Schreiber, Gerald ton, Nipigon or Red Rock. I belisve the present home is ade- quate to serve the needs of the communities west of Thunder Bay, and also for those in Marathon, such as Mr. Waghorn, and Mr, Cavanaugh, who want to retire in Thunder Bay. Mr, Waghorn uses the example of the regionalization of the Education System as an arguement against decentralization of 01d Folks Homes. I believe on. this point Mr. Waghorn and I can agree, that centralization, does not always result in best service to the people served. To me it makes as much sense to heve all the Homes for the Aged centralized in Thunder Bay, as it would be to have all the Pharmacys across Northwestern Ontario, centralized in Thunder Bay. Costs of prescriptions might be reduced, but who wants to travel a hundred , or two hundred miles to gst a prescription filled. And who wants to travel the same distance to visit a resident of an 01d Folks Home. To conclude Mr, Editor, if Mr. Waghorn would like to advocate a Home for the Aged in Marat- hon, in order to provide cars for those in his community, who no longer can care for themselves, then I will be the first to offer my services in promoting this idea. I think smell communities in Northwestern Ontario should smarten up and stop fighting among ourselves. Because of petty Jeal- ousy, that one town might get something another won't, and as a result efsour dog-in-the-manger attitude, most of our communities are not growing or developing the way they should be, mean while Thunder Bay becomes fatter, and weal- thier, because we can't unite to help-one another, Though I appreciate Mr. Waghorn's willingness to express himself, I must say Mr. Editor that I'm still of the opinion, that I should do unto others, as I would have them do unto me. Tedo Harvey, M, Ds DRAKE-DESAULNIERS WED IN PRINCE ALBERT In St, Mary's church, in Prince George .B. C. on March 20 the Rev. M., L. Pierce solemnized the marriage of William George Drake, of Prince George, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Drake, of Schreiber, and Antoinette Joanne Desaulniers daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Desaulniers, of Terrace Bay, Ontario, in a double ring ceremony at 5.15 in the afternoon. Mrs. E. Donagan was organist, The bride, given in marriage by Dennis Hunt, of Prince George, chose a mini length gown, featuring empire bodice, marked by yellow ribbon velvet, with V neckline and angel sleeves, designed and made by her mother. Her headdress was a double floral centre holding a three tier fly-away veil, with scattered isles. She carried a single chrysanthemum circled by shaste daisies, with long yellow streamers, and wore an antique gold bracelet, which had been worn by the groom's maternal grandmother at her wedding, and by his mother at her wedding. : Lynn Dreke, sister of the groom, attended the bride, her frock in similar design to the bride's but in yellow and with bishop sleeves, and marked with white velvet ribbon, Her bouquet was of small shattered mums white tinted with green and tied with yellow ribbon, and she had yellow flowers in her hair, Darcy Moorey, of Schreiber, was best mane Following the ceremony a dimmer, followed by a dance, was : given in the Inn of the North in Prince George, when Mrs. Dennis Hunt received for the bride, wearing a beige crochet knit with beige accessories and corsage of yellow roses. The groom's mother chose an acqua orimpolene, with crochet knit, side panels, black accessories, and corsage of white carnations. 'The wedding cake was brought from Schreiber, made by the groom's mother, Telegrams received during the evening were from David and Lori Dreke, Schreiber, Boyd Drake and Cathy Leng, Thunder Bay, Mr. and Mrs. A. Turps, Mr. and Mrs. David Welwood, of Winnipeg, and Mr. and Mrs. David Turpe, of Thompson, Man. all relatives of the groom. For going awey the bride donned a pale mauve pant dress, with matching hood, her corsage of yellow shasta daisies. Mr. and Mrs. Dreke will make their home in Prince George where he is an agent of the Grayhound Bus Lines. Attending the wedding, from eut of town, were Mr, and Mrs. Gary Drake, Lynn Drake, and Darcy Moorey, all of Schreiber. WEEKLY REPORT FROM THE SCHRETBER DETACHMENT 0F THE ONTARIO PROVINCIAL POLICE During the past week, three more break and enters were reported, On March 31, 1971, a breek & enter was discovered at the McColeman residence in Schreiber. Entry was gained by forcing the side door. A wallet containing a small sum of money and personal papers was taken, Investigation is being conducted by Const. S.Re. Jones, Const. D.B. Anderson is investigating a break and enter at the McBride residence which occurred March 31, 1971. Entry wes gained by breaking a pane of glass and unlocking the door. On April 1, 1971, the Murphy residence was found to have been broken into by breaking a pane of glass in the rear door and unlocking seme. A quantity of money was stolen. Conste S-R. Jones is conducting the investigation. On March 28, 1971, a complaint was received from a resident of Walkers Lake, advising that someone had deposited a quantity of garbage on the side of the road. Investigation of this occurrence was turned over to Mike Reid, Public Health inspector for this eres. continued page 13 fe 4 i" |