MARCH 25, TERRACE BAY NEWS SCHREIBER DETACHMENT WEEKLY REPORT During the past week there were two break and enters re- ported. On March 15, Consteble Anderson investigated a break, enter and theft at the Holy Angels Separate School. Stolen was e& six shot starting pistol and approximately ten dollars in cash from the soft drink machines. On March 17, Constable Lapworth investigated a Breek and Enter also at the Holy Angels Seperate School. Both these occurrences are still under investigation. On March 20, a vehicle reported stolen by Ticonderoga, New York, Police Department was located in Schreiber by Con- stable Jones. The subjects responsbile were later cleared and released. p A report of wilful damage on March 14, to the Municipal light fixtures in the subwey was investigated by Constable Duffy and found to have been caused by high winds. On March 17, an alleged car theft was reported, however, investigation revealed the car had been taken by mistake and no actual theft occurred. : The theft of a blanket valued at eleven dollars from the Mayfair Hotel was investigated by Constable Lepworth on March 17. The subjects responsbile were apprehended and dealt with, On the traffic scene it was an accident free week al- though we were beseiged with severe weather for two days. SCHREIBER "KIN" CORNER At the regular meeting of the Kinsmen Club of Schreiber on Monday, Merch 15th, future money raising projects were given consideration. The first of these will be a chance to win e three minute shopping spree in the winner's choice of the four grocery stores in Terrace Bey and Schreiber. Tickets may be purchased from any Kinsmen or at your grocery store. The draw will take place on April 7th and the spree will occur on Thursday, April 8th. The second project is a Ham and Cash Bingo to be held in the Schreiber Town Hall on Monday, April 5th. Easter hams and cash prizes will be offered to the winners of the many Bingo games. Tentative plans are being made to hold a '"Millionnaires Night" early in May. Here, you would have the opportunity to participate in various games of chance and other enjoyable activities. The funds which are raised in these ventures and others will be used to support the many community projects under- taken by your Kinsmen Club. SCHOOL'S OUT FOR THE MID-TERM HOLIDAY, MARCH 22-26. Out come the bicycles, the skipping ropes, the balls. Drivers are ad- vised to be on the alert for carefree children playing or running out on the roads...for wobbly youngsters trying out their bikes. And the Ontario Department 'of Transport has this reminder for parents too...make sure that your children play games in a safe place away from traffic...that they know and obey the traffic safety rules on foot or on their bicy®sles... that the bicycles they ride are in safe mechanical condition, Let's make sure all the younsters get back to school again on March 29th, { | PHOTOS - Continued from page 18 ..... Father Cano was honoured recently by all the students of Holy Angels! School. Father was showered with farewell messages from each class and an expression of gratitude for service and un- fat1ino interact war delivered bv Rae Sisson. An important peri of any school progrem is Sarety. Pictured here are Constable Essa and Constable Anderson instructing a group of children on hydro safety. The Grade ones and two's participated in a simple but meaning- ful celebration recently. The occassion was the World Day of Prayer and the purpose was to encourage the children to deve- lop a spirit of acceptance and prayer for their brothers and sisters in other lands, In this picture Susie Costa is re- ceiving her picture of a Chinese girl from Sister Carol. The children's pictures were completed-as part of the preparation for the Celebration,