PAGE 4 TERRACE BAY NEWS MARCH 4, 1971 Emergency No. = 344-9694 Thunder Bay, Ontario. | Insurance Office Operated by D.G. Beno, will be closed from March 12th - 29th. In the event of an emergency call the above number. Father Cano Honoured = cont'd from page 2 ..... Photo below - left to right - Reeve F.V. Harness, Schreiber; Father Csno end Reeve W.E. Cavanaugh, Terrace Bsy. Photo by I. McCuaig. Photo Below - Rev. Sister Msrvel Belfry, Angela' Sepsrete School; Aurel Geuthier. Angels ley council, Fether Cano snd Mrs. president of Catholic Women's Learue. A prinecipel Holy cheirman of Holy Irene Moorey. omen Erpert LAUNDRY SERVICE TED' Tailors a Launderers ga, Terrace MOTHER & DAUGHTER BANQUET The Annual Brownie and Guide Mother and Daught Banquet was held February 20th at the Moose Hall. All the tables were decorated with centerpieces made by the Brownies. Head table guests were Rev. McKague, Mrs. G.. Sidhu, guest speaker; Mr. Wills, representing Boy Scouts; Mrs. Shack, District Commissioner; Mrs. H. Howarth, Division Commissioner; Mrs. Shirley Caron District Commissioner, Aguasabon Area; Mrs. D. Carroll, Area Commissioner and Tawny Owl Saranpad Master of Ceremonies. : Entertainment was provided by the individual Brownie Packs and Guide Patrols. The Ist Brownie | Pack spelt out Happy Birthday in Semaphore and then | sang Happy Birthday to Lord and Lady Baden-Powell who's birthday was February 22nd. The 2nd Brownie Pack - These Brownies went on a holiday around the world and as they visited each country two Brownies stepped forward with drums representing Africa - Skiers - representing Switzer- land, pouches to represent kangaroos for Australia and drinking coffee for Brazil . The Guides were divided into three groups and each group sang action songs and were suitably BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EARN MONEY IN SPARE TIME dressed. The Rangers sang two International Folk son One was from Israel and the other from Brozil . Toast to the Queen was then made by Men or Women to re-stock and collect money from New Type high quality coin-operated dispensers in your area. No selling. To qualify, must have car, references, $750. to $3,000. cash. Seven to twelve hours weekly can net excellent income. More full time. We invest with you--and establish your route. For personal interview write: DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED, 2480 Tecumseh Road East, B. V. Windsor 19, Ontario. Include phone number. Cheryl Moore. Carol Weberg toasted Lady Baden Powell. Carol Vanderkam toasted the Mothers and was answered by her mother Mary | Yanderkam Rev. McKague gave the blessing and the Johnny Appleseed grace was sung by all. After a delicious meal a sing song was conducted by Mrs. C. Cvitkovitch and Mrs. Saranpaa. continued page 13 ......